Black Christmas

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A/N before we get started I'm just making this clear, Alana and Draco are not EVER going to be romantically involved with one another bc they are COUSINS AND ew... anyways I have plans for a possible love triangle with Alana so be on the lookout (if the triangle doesn't rlly work then it will just be one person)

After the dream encounter, Alana was always on edge. She was worrying about what Sirius would do next, or if he would harm her new family.

Winter break finally came, Draco and Alana boarded the the express like any other holiday, finding an empty compartment then falling asleep on each other until they felt the sudden jerk of the train stopping at Kings Cross.

This time, though, when they got off the train they didn't see both of Draco's parents like usual. This time only Narcissa was standing there, looking like she hadn't slept in days.

"What's wrong mum?" Alana asked in a soothing voice, knowing that Narcissa liked when people spoke softly.

"My sister, your aunt, came to visit." She said with her voice sounding shakier then normal.

Draco grabbed her hand and reassured her that everything would be okay.

When they arrived back at the manor, Alana grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him back.

"What's wrong with my aunt being here?" Alana didn't know why Narcissa was so upset, she grew up with this girl.

"Have you ever heard of the name Bellatrix LaStrange?" Draco said quietly, hoping his mother wouldn't hear.

"Yeah she was the Death Eater that tortured Neville's parents and escaped Azkaban." She said matter-of-factly.

"Well-" Draco said, pulling his lips into a straight line as he opened the door exposing the woman inside the home.

"Bloody hell." Alana muttered to herself just loud enough so Draco could hear it.

"Ah," The pale, dark haired witch cackled. "So this is the talk of the family?"

Alana wondered if they had actually talked about her, but looking at Lucius's face, she already knew the answer.

"Do you think we look alike?" Bellatrix asked Draco, she was pulling Alana close to her by her hair.

Her rough movements with Alana made Draco cringe. He never liked seeing Alana uncomfortable.

"No? Not at all?" Ask twirled around the room looking for and answer. "Hm. What a shame. I guess my beauty can't be matched!" She giggled loudly in Alana's ear, forcing her to jump.

Narcissa interrupted the chaos by asking Draco to show Alana to her room. Everyone knew that she knew the layout of the house like the back of her hand, it was just the only way to get Alana away from Bellatrix.

Draco didn't fight his mother on this. He grabbed Alana's hand with a firm but gentle grip and pulled her upstairs.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked already running her a shower.

"Yeah I might have a small bruise on my arm but my head is fine." She gave him a weak smile.

"I'll be downstairs, I'll come back up in a minute, I need to talk to my mum." He hurried off before Alana could ask him to stay.

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