A true Black

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After Marlene passed, Sirius was never the same. Not only did he lose the love of his life, he lost his best friends, and his old school friend was framing him for giving the Orders locations to Voldemort.

He was spiraling.

He knew that he couldn't run forever. Sirius tried to make the most out of Alana's childhood. He let her roam free, no control or consequences.


When she was nine, she was already showing signs of advanced magic. Bending her forks and spoons into jewelry and making her dolls move while playing with them. He only grew nervous thinking of what she would be capable of if someone took advantage of her magic.

Alana knew she had her father wrapped around her finger. She always pushed him father and farther each day. Just wanting to know that he cared enough to protect her from stupid mistakes, and every night she would go to bed upset knowing that her father would spend the rest of his life trying to make up for something she knew nothing about instead of being her father.

When Alana turned twelve she got her Hogwarts letter. She wasn't shocked, everyone in her family had been a pureblood, there was no way she wasn't going. Alana couldn't wait to get out of the apartment that was somehow too big for the two of them.

Almost like a switch being flipped, Sirius was acting completely different. He wouldn't stop talking about this boy named Harry Potter. He paid close to no attention to Alana anymore, she even tried acting out and all she would get is a simple head nod in disappointment.

"I can't wait to have Harry come live with us!" Sirius would announce almost everyday at breakfast, "I can't believe James and Lily left the Dudleys as his godparents and not me!"

Alana would respond mostly with a long eye roll or a sigh, knowing that even if she said anything against the boy would do no good with her father.


Three days before they were supposed to take harry, the minister showed up at the home. Sirius grabbed Alana and pulled her in tight for a hug.

"Hide." He whispered, "Don't move a muscle until moony gets here and-"

The ministry workers apperated with him before he could get the rest of his sentence out.

The minister looked in Alana's eyes and said "This family only breeds monsters."

With tears already falling from her eyes Alana weakly responded:

"We all have our reasons"

The minister looked at Alana like she was an ugly stray dog.

"Hope you have a great year at Hogwarts." He chimed in a tone too happy for the situation at hand. "I see great magic in you."

As he left, Alana couldn't control her emotions anymore. She wept, destroyed furniture, ripped paintings, all in an attempt to get rid of anything that reminded her of her father.

When she made her way to one of the bedrooms, she looked at the intricate family tree that was plastered on the wallpaper. Pulling out a lighter slowly she bent down to set the base of the wall on fire, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Stepping back, with tear filled eyes, she held the flame over Sirius's face.

He was dead to her.

She found it hard to sleep that night. Alana wondered if it's harder to sleep at night if you miss someone.

She shook her head, refusing to let her father play the victim in her head. He was never there for her, even when he was in the same home. She didn't miss him, she thought, she only misses what he was supposed to be.

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