The Malfoy Manor

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Alana felt her knees collapse. The twist and turns of apperating made her dizzy and light headed.

The wand in the Death Eaters hand was pressed hardly next to Alana's head.

She felt her dark mark sting. The flinch she produced was enough to startle the Death Eater, who now had his wand pressed against Alana's temple so hard that she could feel a bruise forming.

"You told Zabini you were one of us!" He hissed.

Alana's face filled with fright, eyes brimming with desperation. "No- I swear! I didn't!"

"Didn't mommy tell you it's not good to tell lies?" He pulled her into him by her chin. "Oh yeah. She was killed by the very Lord you serve."

"Yaxley! Enough-" yelled a female voice.

Alana was not-so-secretly hoping it was Narcissa, but when she looked up her face dropped.

It was Bellatrix.

"I need to know Bel-" The man, who Alana knew now was named Yaxley, began.

He never was able to finish, Bellatrix had cast a self tying rope spell around his neck. When he was on the ground, she shot him with a few hexes that Alana didn't even know existed.

Walking over to the tied up man, Bellatrix pressed her heel into his neck.

"We can't kill her! The Lord needs her." She sent a horrible excuse of a smile towards Alana.

Her teeth were almost rotting out of her head, which made Alana run her tongue over her perfect teeth and thank Merlin she didn't inherit her aunts hygiene.  

Just realizing what Bellatrix had said, Alana froze in her position of the floor.

Alana watched her aunt remove her foot from the mans neck, and stumble to where she was sitting.

Bellatrix raised her wand and giggled to herself.

Alana knew being at the end of any Death Eaters wand was never good, but being at the end of Bellatrix's was a death wish.

Alana saw a flash of red light hit her and only had one thought before her world turned dark.

'Good. Fucking. Riddance.'


Distant voices crept into Alana's ears and she faded from in and out of consciousness.

"You could have killed her Bella! Merlin. Wake her up!"

Alana felt a cold hand brush against her cheek. The touch was gentle and familiar; she moved a little, an effort to push her face further into the loving palm.

"Narcissa?" Alana blinked her eyes open, her eyelids feeling like they were being weighed down by sandbags.

Alana looked around the room, trying to figure out where she was. Immediately, she recognized the foyer. It was the same one she had basically grown up in. She was at the manor.

Looking down she saw that she wasn't tied up. She was just sitting on a black armchair, that was pulled into the middle of the room.

"Hello darling.." Narcissa murmured, avoiding eye contact when Alana tried to look up at her.

"Glad to see you're awake!" Bellatrix's voice sliced through the air like a knife.

Bellatrix waved for a man to come over into the middle of the room. He was dragging someone in my the arm, Alana couldn't quite tell who it was.

She gasped as they emerged from the shadows into the light. Lucius was holding Blaise and wand-point. Blaise looked like he had been tortured repeatedly.

"If Black can't talk, maybe Zabini will." Lucius said as he dropped the young boy to the floor, kicking him a couple of times.

Blaise's nose was bleeding, most likely broken, and his eyes looked crazed and frightened. The Death Eaters all moved to form a circle around the two kids, with a look of boredom on their faces.

"Fuck you!" Blaise hissed, spitting on the floor by Alana's feet.

"Tell me how you know she's a Death Eater Blaise, and we'll let you go." A burley man said, stepping forward out of the circle.

Bellatrix pulled a small knife from her pocket and twirled it through her fingers. Still on the floor, Blaise flinched away, but she moved closer.

"Are you ready to talk, mister?" Bellatrix stopped the knife suddenly in her hand after she asked.

Blaise's eyes turned dark and fearful. Even though he didn't know her personally, he knew not to underestimate Bellatrix.

"Fine." Blaise seethed. "It wasn't hard to guess."

"Hm?" Bellatrix froze, everyone was waiting for what Blaise would say next.

"It's all a bit tragic, isn't it?" He was smirking, thinking of how to talk his way out.

"This family is nothing but mad! Every one of you ended up dead, in Azkaban, or a Death Eater!" Blaise had taken it too far.

Bellatrix snapped her head over to Alana, almost asking if she could kill him, but Alana didn't break her stare with Blaise.

"Take. That. Back." Alana, now standing, towered over the boy.

"Over my dead body." Blaise remarked, knowing she wouldn't fight back. Every time he hit her or hexed her, she never fought back.

Not this time.

Alana whipped back around, grabbing Bellatrix's wand. "Fine." She said with a smile that was too calm for the situation.

"Avada Kedavra."

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