Death must be earned

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AN!! For those confused, India Eisley (girl on the cover) is Sirius's daughter. I will also be putting a picture for each chapter to help give a better understanding <3

After Hogwarts many were shocked to see that Sirius and Marlene moved into a small cottage together. Everyone assumed that they were going to break up at the end of the year, that would be the three month mark from the argument they had. No one, not even james or lily, had heard anything from them. People often tried to send them letters but the owls would always come back with the letter unopened. Only when Lily and James had their son, Harry, is when they finally came out of the shadows. Though everyone was happy they had started reconnecting with friends they both had changed drastically.

As harry grew up Sirius was like a second father to him. Always over at the Potters house helping with household chores or even just watching and playing with Harry. James was happy that Sirius was finally becoming himself again.

Lily loved that Sirius was back to his silly and spontaneous self but she started to notice that marlene was growing colder, and almost, mean. Every time she tried to spend time with Marlene, she would always say she didn't have the time.

Lily continuously asked Sirius what she did for work and he always responded with the same line, almost like it was rehearsed.

"Marley is a busy woman, she keeps food on the table and a clean house. What ever she's doing, she seems like she's got it figured out."

As Sirius would say this he would always feel that itch in his throat, begging him to say, "I don't know. She's not the same anymore. When I look at her I don't feel the warmth i use to feel, I look at her now and i see a winter blizzard."

Marlene had started working as a spy for Voldemort. Her tired eyes as cold demeanor were a tell-tale sign but the people who loved her forced themselves to look past it.

She was tasked with the unthinkable. The Dark Lord wanted her to expose who was in the Order. Marlene knew Sirius was connected.

She agreed.

"Are you willing to make the unbreakable vow?" A wicked voice shot up.

"Yes," Marlene agreed with hesitation, "I will tell you everything I know."

Marlene and the Dark Lord connected their hands. She couldn't help but let a single tear fall.

Sirius wouldn't be the last man to hold her.

A woman she recognized walked over. Instantly she knew, the woman was Sirius's cousin.


"So this is the girl i've heard so much about." Bellatrix sneered.

Her voice cut through the air like nails on a chalkboard

"Let's start!" Bellatrix added with a smile that looked unkept for years. Her teeth resembled a once ivory wall that was now covered in thick muck.

As Bellatrix finished the hex Marlene was signaled to start listing everyone in the Order.

"Longbottom" She started silently wishing they were already in hiding. Though she knew they weren't with them having a new son, Neville, they thought they were safe.

As she was reaching the end of the names, only two remained-

"Potter." Marlene said opening her eyes to show she was finished.

"That is all?" the Dark Lord asked as his snake slithered around his hand waiting to be pet.

"Yes." Marlene whispered. As soon as she spoke tears streamed down her face, she felt the excruciating pain caused from the hex affecting her already but she knew she couldn't show any signs of it or else her family was in danger.

The Dark Lord smiled and slowly turned to his followers, listing off the names each was responsible to kill before the night was over.

"Bellatrix, you take the Longbottoms" As soon as those words were spoken she was apperating to their doorstep.

Marlene knew he was going to the Potters, she prayed that Sirius had gone home already.

Before he apperated he looked her straight in the eye and smiled.

Clenching her teeth and squeezing her fists, Marlene didn't know if she could keep going. Her mind raced and she saw her daughter getting on the train to go to Hogwarts, she was determined to stay alive for her.

"Thank you for your kind contribution." He turned to look at Peter Pettigrew and then at his snake, almost like he was trying to make a decision.

As he looked into Marlene's eyes with satisfaction, he yelled,

"Nagini, kill."

A/N!! please make sure to vote!! I know this is a new story but I have AMAZING plans and love triangle and plot twists so it would help a TON if you would vote
anyways I LOVE YOU ALL

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