Valentine's Day Pt. 1

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Today felt special. You were in a good mood. You haven't been like this ever since your birthday, which was also the last time you saw Jeff.

Long story short, during the last month, you became the new captain of the cheerleading team. All of Patricia's friends would talk to you now, ignoring her. She was even hospitalized for a panic attack. It felt good, destroying a person's dreams and hopes.

You knew Patricia surely had planned something ultra special for you today, but it didn't bother you. Come at me, bro! You thought, laughing at yourself. You had butterflies in your stomach. You even did your hair for school today.

You arrive at school and everyone is laughing at you. Apparently, Patricia thought it'd be funny to put your baby pictures around the school. You didn't care. You opened your locker and it was flooded by pictures. You actually laughed so hard, everyone stared at you.

-Good one, Pat. I forgot how adorable I used to be! You said, still laughing.

She walked away.

After you cleared the mess, you found a note. It read "I love you" but it wasn't signed. You didn't quite remember where you saw that handwriting before, but it was familiar. You stuffed it in your backpack and went to class.

-So you see, class, there's no such thing as butterflies in your tummy and things of the sort. It's just chemical reactions between hormones and enzymes. Jonathan said.

-Damn, what a ball buster! Thank you! Are Santa and the Easter Bunny chemical reactions, too? You asked.

The whole classroom started laughing.

-Miss Hale is in a good mood today! Ate your box of chocolates already? Jonathan replied.

The class kept laughing and the bell rang.

The school always threw a Valentine's Day party after school. You decided to attend this year, because you had a surprise.

Two weeks ago, Patricia came to you, begging for your position. You actually recorded her, but she didn't noticed. With Jonathan's help, that video will be played at the party.

You arrived at the party and were greeted by everyone. Everything was fine until Patricia appeared.

-Happy Halloween, is that your costume, it's hard to notice, oh, it's just your face, and it's Valentine's Day! My bad. Patricia said. No one laughed.

The principal greeted everyone and it was time to show a short video about friendship, you interrupted and asked for the microphone.

-I would like to take this moment to tell everyone that I'm quitting the cheerleading team. I want Patricia to be the captain, again. Would you please come up here? You said.

She came up the stage.

-Any words? You asked.

-I knew you couldn't handle the pressure, that's why I'm the best! She said.

-Well, let's proceed with the video, shall we?

The video started playing.

-Please! I want to be the captain again! Please, I'll do anything, ANYTHING! Patricia was crying.

-Anything? You asked.

The following was a series of little stunts Patricia performed. Like licking her foot to dragging her butt around the carpet like a dog. She started crying in the middle of the stage while everybody was laughing.

-Don't feel bad, we all have to work for our stuff, you know? You just did what you had to do! You said, laughing.

Even the principal tried not to laugh.

She ran out of the party.

You got "scolded" by the principal and you were left with a warning.

You went home.

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