Born Psychotic Pt. 1

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You were in a padded room. Someone walks in, dressed in white, a doctor, you thought.

-How are you feeling today, little missy? The doctor asked.

-Good, Mr. Doctor. Why am I still here? You asked, confused.

-Well, you're sick and we just want you to get better! Here, drink these. The doctor said, handing you some pills and a plastic cup filled with water.

-What are these? You said, looking at the pills.

-Vitamins, sweetie. Drink them and you'll feel better. The doctor said.

-But, I don't feel sick, doctor. You said.

-Because of the vitamins. He replied.

-Oh. You said before drinking them.

-Open wide! The doctor said, pointing at you mouth.

You did as he asked and he gave you candy. You got a good look at his tag, his name was Charles Blackwood.

-Wood's not black. You said to the doctor with a straight face.

-Oh? Oh, that. You saw my name tag? The doctor asked.

-Yes. But, wood's not black. You said, annoyed.

-Funny, isn't it? My last name. The doctor said, chuckling.

-WOOD'S NOT BLACK! WOOD'S NOT BLACK! You said before scratching his face.

-Doctor! A nurse rushed in, with a needle. She injected you and you started feeling dizzy. You eventually pass out.

You hear your mother talking with the doctor.

-I'm so sorry. Your mother said.

-Don't feel bad, it was my fault. I was being a little careless. The doctor said, fixing his glasses.

-When will she be able to get out of here? Your mother asked.

-Not soon. She's not right, she's sick. It's very dangerous to let such a young child without treatment. The doctor answered.

-But she's only 6! She needs to be home! She needs and loves her family. She's such a sweet child, doctor. This can't be possible. Your mother started weeping.

-I'm sorry ma'am. She needs to stay here. It's the best we can do for her. The doctor said before walking away.

-Am I allowed to go in? Your mother asked.

-Yes, follow me. A nurse led your mom to your room.

-Hi sweetie, how are you? Your mom asked.

-When do I get to go home, mum? You asked her.

-Soon, sweetie. You'll leave when you're not sick anymore. Are you drinking your vitamins? You mom started stroking your hair.

-Yes. Mom, can you braid my hair like yours? I really like your braids. You asked your mom.

A nurse nodded.

-I can't, sweetie, but when you get out, I'll braid your hair whenever you want to. Okay? Your mom said.

-Okay, but when do I get out? You asked, impatient.

-Soon. Your mom replied.

-How soon? You asked, playing with your fingers.

-Soon. Listen I have to go, daddy needs me, too. I'll come by tomorrow. Your mom hugged you.

-To pick me up, right? You asked, stroking her hair.

-We'll see. Your mom hugged you harder.

-You hate me, don't you? That's why I'm here, right? RIGHT!?

You said before taking her braid and wrapping it around her neck. Your mother screamed for help, but the nurse was gone. She would always go on break at this time and the other nurse would always be late. When he finally arrived, it was too late. Your mom was dead, and you were laughing.

-She hated me, like everyone else. That's why I'm here. You said, giggling.

AN: Thanks for reading! I'm hitting rock bottom (THE DREADED WRITER'S BLOCK, OH NO!), so be patient. Vote and comment if you like the story so far.

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