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You really don't feel like going to school. You knew that Patricia had some new antic just to annoy you. She hated you because the captain of the football team broke up with her because he liked you. Jocks were never your style. So you rejected him, and now you're friends. Patricia begs day and night and he rejects her every time. He even calls her shit-for-brains. You laugh every time he mentions it. You sometimes hang out after school, whenever he wasn't too busy. You liked him, but only as a friend. You shared some hobbies and you always felt comfortable around him. You're eating breakfast, when you hear someone honking. You look out the window, and it was him, Dylan.

-Good morning, sunshine! Need a ride for school? He said, sticking his head out of his red Mustang GT.

-I don't see why not. But why bother coming here? You live 45 minutes away from here... You replied.

-Listen, Patricia had planned something today to get back at you, so I felt like I should warn you. That bitch's crazy, so she might try something stupid. He said.

-I can defend myself, don't worry. She doesn't scare me. You replied.

You talked about other things and eventually arrive at school. When you get off the car, you were surprised by a girl with a bucket of paint, that she then proceeded to dump on you.

-What the hell!? Dylan!? You screamed.

-I told you Patricia had planned something for you, but I never said I wasn't involved in it. He said, laughing.

Someone comes out from behind a tree.

-You look pretty in pink, pretty stupid, that is! Patricia said.

-Took you about a month to come up with that one, or did someone help you? I'm impressed. You replied, cleaning your face. You were annoyed because you looked like a giant bottle of Pepto Bismol.

-Ah! I had enough of you! She said, grabbing a bat.

-Hey, hey. Patricia I can get you suspended, you know. Your teacher walked into the fight, grabbing the bat.

-Like the principal would believe your sorry-ass. He's daddy's best friend, so there's nothing you can do! She said, snorting.

-Well, Patricia, you have disappointed me greatly, I have no choice but to inform your father. Said the principal.

-I'll get you, I will get you! Patricia started screaming at you while she was taken to the office.

-What does that girl has against you? Asked Jonathan.

-Like I know, I feel disgusting, covered in paint and all. You said.

-Let's take you home, don't worry about my car, I can always cover the seats. Jonathan said.

He took you home, and you decided to just stay home. Jonathan later texted you that Patricia was suspended for a month, and the next time this happened, she would be expelled. You were glad to hear that. You really hated Patricia, she had it against you since Kindergarten. You sat down and started back tracking. Then, you remembered why she hates you. You were always better than her in everything she did. Whenever she wanted to do something, you would come around and ruin it for her. The only thing that she has now is the cheerleading team. An evil thought crossed your mind. You wanted to take away the only thing she had left, her cheerleading crown.

Let's make her life a living hell, yes?

Cynical Minds (Jeff The Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now