Menace Up the Mountain : Episode Two

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"Leader," a voice whispered through an organic speaker panel. "We've found something you need to see."

"Put me through a visual link," the Leader ordered before footage of the Tardis came on screen. "Hang on! I recognise that box. Of course."

Max peeped his head out from a hole in the corner of the room and saw the Doctor. "Doctor, come on."

The Doctor drew Max's attention to his chains. "Its a trap, run!"

"Grab him," the Leader ordered as a red hand with suckers grabbed Max by the shirt and lifted him out of the hole.

"Zygons!" Max exclaimed. "What are they doing here?"

"No," the Zygon leader walked over and stared at them both. "What are you doing here? Doctor!"

The Doctor frowned as the Zygon Leader had been looking at Max. "No, I'm-"

"He's my companion," Max nodded as the Zygon Leader threw him on the floor. He then stood up. "And I'm the Doctor."

The real Doctor looked from Max to the Zygon Leader, wondering what sort of trick his friend had up his sleeve. "Yeah." He nodded slowly.

"Well Doctor," the Zygon Leader advanced on Max. "What are you doing on this mountain?"

"Y'know," Max backed away. "Passing through, bit of an accident really."

"Do you aim to stop our operation?" The Zygon Leader continued to question.

"If I dont like it," Max suddenly took a step forward. "Then yes I will."

The Zygon Leader gave a grunt of anger before striking Max down.


As Max fell to the ground he pointed the sonic screwdriver at the Doctor's chains and blasted them apart. "Go, quick!"

The Doctor jumped into the hole in the floor quickly but with a slight hesitation.

"Argh!" The Zygon Leader fired a shot at the Doctor but it was too late. He turned back on Max. "You!"


Max fired a blast from the sonic screwdriver, blasting the Zygon Leader back. He quickly dived headfirst into the hole shortly behind the Doctor.

The Zygon Leader got to its feet and ran over to the communications system. "All Zygons converge on the base, the Doctor has escaped. I repeat, the Doctor has escaped."

* * *

The Doctor and Max emerged from the hole underneath the rock, back onto the surface.

"The Zygons," the Doctor looked around cautiously. "They're gonna be after us."

"Yeah," Max pointed further up the mountain. "I see that."

Around a dozen Zygons started to advance on them, weaponry in hand.

"Move!" The Doctor yelled as several blasts of light were fired at them.

They ran over the landscape, dodging the blasts and evading capture. When they were closer to the top, a blast knocked Max off his feet.

"Ow," Max felt blood soaking into his shirt where his chest was.

"Max!" The Doctor saw the blood. "Come on!" He grabbed Max by the hand and led him to the top of the mountain where they concealed themselves in a small covered crevice.

"Argh," Max lifted up his shirt to reveal the wound.

"Okay," the Doctor closed his eyes as his hand glowed with regeneration energy.

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