The Waters of Licosis : Episode Two

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Max's jaw dropped at Jon as Derek joined him, also with a cracked mouth.

"Oh my god," Max stared, open mouthed. "WHAT THE F-"

"Come with me!" Jonas joined the Doctor and Max. "And for heavens sake shut the door!"

The Doctor did as he said as the two watery men ran towards them. "The flood. It's the flood."

"The what?" Jonas was confused. "Just come with me to the hub."


The lock on the door broke and it opened.

"Run!" The Doctor yelled. "One drop is all it takes and you become just like them. Run!"

They ran down the enclosed corridors with the flood right behind them.

"Come on!" Jonas yelled as after the chase they ran into the hub and closed the doors behind them. "Phew."

"The flood," the Doctor gasped. "How are they here?"

"Who are they?" The commander and Sam looked at eachother.

"I'm the Doctor, this is Max," the Doctor explained.

"So she does know them them," the Commander smiled.

"Doctor!" A familiar voice greeted them from behind. "Trouble with an unknown threat, I dont know why I was suprised when I saw you on the CCTV."

The Doctor turned. "Stacy?"

Sure enough Stacy was stood behind them. "I have missed you."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Max came over and hugged her.

"I'm security here," Stacy explained.

"Where actually is here?" The Doctor asked her.

"This is the Human Mining Colony on the planet Licosis," the Commander cut into the conversation.

"That makes so much more sense. Licosis, the planet of rain," the Doctor realised. "The Licosians used to make deals with the Ice Warriors on Mars. That was before the Licosians dropped off the grid. We now know the connection between the two planets. For all we know the flood might be the Licosians."

"Look," Sam pointed at the door. "They're gone."

"Where did they go?" Jonas went over to observe the CCTV equipment. "Eh?"

"What is it, where are they?" The Doctor joined him.

"Above us," Jonas stared at the Doctor with fear.

"Oh dear," the Doctor shook his head. "I saw them do this on Mars. The liquid that comes from them, it isnt like water. Its patient, it waits and it can go through anything including the cealing. We have to go!"

"Hold on," Sam shook her head. "Why are we trusting these strangers?"

"Stacy knows them and I trust Stacy," the Commander told her. "We can retreat to the artificial forest."

"Let's go," Jonas stared at the ceiling that was starting to drip. "Let's go!"

They all ran from the room and down another series of tunnels.

The flood had flushed them from the hub as planned so soon they followed.

"They're on our tail," Jonas stopped outside the door to the artificial forest. "I think I can trigger an explosion to delay them so you have a chance to escape."

"No, I will not leave a man behind," the Commander ordered him. "Get in here."

"No," Jonas closed the door and sealed it. "Deadlock sealed. Dont bother. I started this, I'm going to finish it."

"You cant stop them or even delay them," the Doctor yelled but Jonas was already preparing an explosion.

"Wouldnt an explosion compromise the door?" Sam asked Stacy.

"No, the doors are too strong," Stacy shook her head.

On the other side Jonas had wired up a nasty explosion with some alcohol in his pocket and wires from the keypad.

The flood launched water at Jonas and as he started to spasm...


Fire flashed against the window on the door.

"Fool!" The Commander cried. "Come on we need to set up some sort of base."

"I'm going for a walk," the Doctor walked off. "I'm sure you can handle on your own."

"Yes," the Commander set off in the opposite direction.

"Doctor!" Stacy ran after him. "You can help."

"I need to breathe," the Doctor sighed.

"I'll come with you," Stacy put her hand on his arm as they walked off.

The Doctor and Stacy walked through the artificial forest, talking away.

"So how long have you been here," the Doctor asked her.

"2 years now," Stacy looked around her. "Its all gone by so fast."

"Its only been a few adventures since we left you," the Doctor told her.

"That's how time travel works," Stacy laughed. "What's happened?"

"We went to this mountain riddled with Zygons trying to invade Earth and we stopped them, after that we went to this city in the sky called Cloudy Heights where the president was assassinated, they thought I was guilty but I escaped and found the real Assassin, then we met the lightning man again," the Doctor explained.

"The guy with the F.E.U.D project?" Stacy recalled.

"Yeah," the Doctor nodded.


They were both launched back onto the ground as a strange portal was created in front of them.

"Whoa!" The Doctor got to his feet and helped Stacy up.

The portal shook the ground as a figure wearing a helmet and a black visor emerged.

"Oh my god," Stacy squinted to see another familiar figure.

"Doctor," the figure walked forward. "Stacy."

"The Rebel," Stacy pointed in shock.

"Yeah," the Doctor walked forward.

"Know who he is yet?" Stacy asked.

"No," the Doctor bit his lip.

"Your future is catching up with you," The Rebel walked forwards. "Your time is soon, Doctor. Very soon."

"Time for what?" The Doctor asked.

"Time for death," the Rebel said seriously. "I'm following a script right now, I'm following a script whenever I'm around you Doctor because I already know what you say and what I say. I even knew I was going to say this. And that."

"But you could only know that if you're here," the Doctor laughed and then stopped abruptly. "HOLY SH-"

"Yeah," the Rebel took off his helmet. "I'm you Doctor."

Stacy blinked several times. "Anyone else seeing double."

"This makes so much sense," the Doctor realised. "The toilet."

"Yeah, yeah. Believe me I know," the Rebel Doctor nodded.

"I bet you do," the Doctor gasped. "Well, I bet I do."

"Haha," the Rebel Doctor sighed. "Look, soon you have to take up being the Rebel. I'm gonna leave the Rebel suit in your Tardis on one of the pool deck chairs."

"Why there?" The Doctor asked.

"Cos that's where I got it from," the Rebel Doctor explained with a smirk. "After this adventure you must become the Rebel, and you must die. This will be the last time you see me, or you see you, but now I've got to to. You have more problems to worry about. Good luck with the Flood."

The Rebel Doctor walked back into the portal and dissapeared.

"Okay then," Stacy let out a breath of disbelief. "That was interesting."

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