Cloudy Heights : Episode Four

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"I've just noticed, we've been so busy worrying about my trial, we haven't had time to think about the President and what his death means."

"Yeah," Max and Sophie nodded.

"Humans are so stupid!" The Doctor slammed the table in anger. "Some of them are alright, some of them are stupid but have their moments and then, there are the idiots, the stupid apes. Y'know the assassination of this President isn't the only one in history, millennia ago there's JFK, Lincoln, and beyond Presidents, Malcolm X, Franz Ferdinand. Humans can't help themselves but kill one another."

Max and Sophie both saw how angry the Doctor was and chose not to speak. The Doctor noticed the way they were both staring at him.

He sighed and calmed down, remembering the trial.

"Anyway, if the Prosecutor, Evelyn did you say her name was? If she did speak publicly against the President, there is no way she would've been allowed on this case."

"We don't know what to tell you," Sophie bit her lip.

"Unless," the Doctor stood up from the chair he was sat in. "There's something deeper going on here."

"A Conspiracy?" Max suggested.

"Ooh," Sophie clapped her hands together. "I love a good conspiracy theory."

The Doctor looked at her strangely before pacing around the room. "Something deep is going on, if the Prosecutor is behind the assassination, they have allies in authority. To be allowed on this case. Who knows how many people have been involved in this? So yes to answer your question Max, conspiracy!"

* * *

After the Doctor, Max and Sophie had prepared the defence, everyone was sent back to court.

"All will rise," Judge Maynell called out across the large courtroom as everyone in the courtroom rose. "We will be continuing the prosecutions case today, so Evelyn, would you like to begin?"

"Thank you Judge," Evelyn smiled. "So now we continue the case proving why this horrible man assassinated the President."


"Please just let the woman speak," the Judge interrupted the Doctor.

"Thanks again Judge," Evelyn sneered at the Doctor. "It seems this man doesnt even know simple manners. Anyway, today I will be calling my two witnesses."

On the Doctors witness chairs, Max and Sophie noticed Vera sat on the Prosecutions side.

"Why is she there?" Sophie asked Max.

"My first witness is Vera, who was with the Doctor shortly before the assassination," Evelyn stated as Vera stood up and walked to the podium in the middle. "So Vera."

"Yes," she nodded.

"You are an exemplary citizen," Evelyn read from a file. "Always paid your taxes, worked for the health service for over 50 years."

"Yes," she continued to nod.

"So we can consider you reliable?" Evelyn smiled at Vera.

"Yes," she repeated.

"So when was the first time you met the Doctor?" Evelyn asked.

"Yesterday, around 45 minutes before the President was killed," Vera explained. "He seemed as if he didnt know where he was, I assumed he was drunk."

"A drunk?" Evelyn looked around at the Jury. "Make sure you keep note of that."

"After that we met at the old derelict building, where the President drove past," Vera continued.

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