Chapter Three

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Sakari's POV

"Song tells me you're refugees." Song's mother said as she served us a large roast duck. "We were once refugees as well."

"When I was a little girl the Fire Nation raided our farming village. All the men were taken away. That was the last time I saw my father." Song said sadly.

"I haven't seen my father in many years." Zuko told her.

"Me either." I added, hanging my head.

"Oh, are yours fighting in the war?" Song asked, to which I simply nodded.

"Yeah. He is." Zuko replied.

Zuko was silent for the rest of the meal and stepped outside quietly once it was over, while I helped Song's mother do the dishes.

"Lee's a quiet one, isn't he?" She said.

"Yeah, sorry about him, he's just always had a hard time opening up to people." I told her.

"Oh, no need to apologise, I understand." She said softly. "You don't need to help me here, dear, I can tell you want to speak with Lee. Go on, we're about done here anyway."

I thanked her and left the kitchen, looking for Zuko, I stepped outside and found him sitting with Song who was showing Zuko a scar on her leg.

"That looks like a nasty burn." I stated, making my presence known.

"Oh, hi Jade." Song greeted. "Yes, it hurt a lot."

"I know the feeling." I said, lifting my sleeve to show her my scar.

"You've been burned too?" She asked.

"Yeah, it happened a couple of years ago." I explained. "Fire nation raid."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Song said sadly.

"Me too." I told her.

I was about to sit with them when Iroh and Song's mother suddenly emerged from the house.

"Thank you for the duck. It was delicious." Iroh said happily.

"You're welcome. Please take some leftovers for your journey." She offered, handing Iroh a small package.

"Thank you so much." I said, Iroh and I bowed to them, but Zuko began walking away.

"Junior, where are your manners? You need to thank these nice people." Iroh told him.

Zuko stopped in his tracks to listen to Iroh, then turned and bowed to Song and her mother.

"Thank you." Zuko said before walking away again.

"I know you don't think there's any hope left in the world, but there is. The Avatar has returned." Song told us, a shimmer in her eye.

We said our goodbyes and followed after Zuko, who had stopped next to an ostrich horse, I watched as he walked up to it and untied it.

"Zuko! What are you doing?!" I whisper yelled at him.

"These people just showed us great kindness." Iroh reminded him.

Zuko trotted over to us on the ostrich horse and stopped for us to get on.

"They're about to show us some more." He stated.

Iroh reluctantly climbed on and sat behind Zuko, then they both looked to me expectantly.

"Well?" Zuko asked.

I sighed and climbed on behind Iroh, then we trotted off down a path through a forest.


"Zuko, do you even know where we're going?" I asked.

"No." He replied.

Well, great, that's comforting. My head shot to the sky as a loud crash of thunder sounded from above and it started pouring down with rain.

"We need to find shelter!" I yelled to Zuko.

It wasn't long before we came across a cave big enough to fit all of us and hurried inside, the ostrich horse must have been exhausted because it fell straight to sleep.

"Thank god we are taking a break; my back was beginning to get very sore." Iroh complained as he curled up next to the ostrich horse and fell asleep as well.

"Hey." I said awkwardly to Zuko as I sat next to him.

"Hey." He replied.

"How are you doing? You know, with the whole Azula thing?" I asked.

"My sister tried to take me prisoner for my father... Yeah, I'm fine." He said just as another clap of thunder sounded.

"Yeah fair enough..." I said quietly, a shiver passing through my body. "It's cold."

"Hmm, can I try something?" He asked, a thoughtful look on his face.

I nodded and he took my hands in his, they were warm and felt like they were getting warmer.

"You have the ability to heat water, so maybe you can warm yourself like I can." Zuko stated. "Focus on the heat in my hands, see if you can take it and spread it throughout your body."

I focused on Zuko's hands and tried to force the heat into my body, nothing happened for a few minutes though until I felt some warmth travel up my arms.

"Zuko! I'm doing it!" I exclaimed.

"Good, now control it." Zuko told me, letting go of my hands.

I held the warmth inside me and spread it throughout my body, warming up every inch of it, this was amazing! I smiled at Zuko, who returned it, until my face suddenly dropped in fear; my body was getting hotter.

"Sakari? Are you ok? Is something wrong?" Zuko asked, a worried look on his face.

"Too... Hot..." I managed to choke out through the steam coming from my mouth.

Zuko quickly grabbed me by the shoulders and the heat disappeared from my body and back to his. He pulled me into his arms and held me as I tried to regain my breath, but my breathing was shallow, and I was finding it hard to get enough air.

"Sakari, deep breaths, ok?" Zuko said, holding my face and looking into my eyes. "Just focus on me."

I looked into Zuko's golden eyes, he was so calm despite my panicked state, and it made me calm down as well. My breathing slowed and my chest no longer felt tight, I melted into Zuko's arms and rested my head on his chest.

"Are you ok?" He asked while stroking my hair.

"I think so. It was just so hot." I told him.

"I know, I'm sorry. We'll try again some other time." Zuko said, leaning back against the wall.

I lifted my head to look at him; I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I was afraid that this wasn't the right time. I smiled at him and planted a kiss on his cheek, he was smiling down at me when I pulled away.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"My way of saying thank you. For everything you've done for me." I told him.

He was about to say something else but I put my finger to his lips, shushing him, I didn't want him to ruin the moment by saying something like "I've been so mean to you." Yes, he's been a bit of a hothead, but he's also been so sweet and caring. As I laid my head back on his chest so many thoughts ran through my head; I think I was falling in love with Zuko.

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