Chapter Seven

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Sakari's POV

"Zuko? What are we doing?" I asked, waking up from my nap.

We were riding Ben and for some reason Zuko was making him run, I looked at the ground and noticed that we were following some tracks left by some kind of machine.

"Following Azula." Zuko replied.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because she's tracking the Avatar." Zuko stated.

"Right. Of course." I mumbled.

We continued following Azula and her two friends, staying hidden whenever she came to a stop, until we followed her to an old abandoned town. She had split from her friends and seemed to have cornered Aang.

"Zuko wait." I said.

"What is it?" He asked, bringing Ben to a halt.

"I'm not going to help you capture Aang." I told him, crossing my arms.

"I know." Zuko sighed. "I just need you to help me fight Azula." Zuko told me.

I nodded and we charged into the town, quickly finding Azula and Aang.

"Do you really want to fight me?" Azula asked Aang.

Zuko and I leapt off Ben in front of Aang and got into our fighting stances.

"Yes. I really do." Zuko said to Azula.

"Zuko! Sakari!" Aang yelled, shocked.

"I was wondering when you'd show up, Zuzu." Azula commented.

"Zuzu?" Aang asked as we both chuckled.

"Back off, Azula! He's mine." Zuko announced.

"I'm not going anywhere." Azula responded, preparing to fight us.

There was a moment of silence as we all stared between each other, then Azula sent blue flames towards Zuko and I. Zuko was knocked back, but I managed to dodge the flames and watched as Azula sent another wave of fire towards Aang. Aang used Airbending to disperse the flames, then continued to dodge attacks from Azula while Zuko and I tried to attack her. I sent icicle after icicle at her, but it was like she had eyes in the back of her head. She suddenly turned to me and sent a couple of fire blasts towards me, but I used the water in the air to put them out. Azula then started chasing Aang into an old building, Zuko and I followed closely behind, but Zuko didn't realise that there was no floor in the building and fell to the ground; I managed to do a flip and land on my feet. Aang then knocked Azula to the ground and tried to escape through one of the windows, but Azula blasted me and Zuko through a wall and cornered Aang again. Aang tried to climb one of the buildings but Azula sent fire blasts at him and he fell to the ground in a pile of rubble. I stood and quickly sent water whips at Azula, whipping her a few times and sending her into a wall, but she smirked at me and sent a huge fire blast at me.

"Sakari!" Zuko yelled, running towards me.

I was getting ready to defend myself when Zuko stood in front of me and redirected the flames, but this was just a distraction so that Azula could get to Aang. I ran as fast as I could to where Aang had fallen, only to discover that Katara was already there and had freed Aang. I grabbed Katara's arm and pulled her away from Azula, who was now attacking her, and we ran until I noticed Sokka hiding around a corner. We dodged out of Sokka's way and he tried to hit her with his club, but she dodged his attempts easily.

Aang, Katara, Sokka and I were now surrounding Azula, I had no idea where Zuko had gone, and were sending water, air, and a boomerang at her, trying to knock her out, when the earth beneath her suddenly moved to reveal a young blind girl.

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