Chapter Thirteen

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Sakari's POV

I was cleaning the dishes in the back of the teashop when I overheard Zuko talking to Iroh.

"Uncle, we have a problem. One of the customers is onto us." He said.

I quickly finished scrubbing the cup I was washing and rushed over to them to join in on the conversation.

"Don't look now, but there's a girl over at the corner table. She knows we're Fire Nation." Zuko explained.

Iroh and I both peeked past Zuko to look at her, then Zuko quickly grabbed us both by the shoulder and stopped us from looking.

"Didn't I say don't look?" Zuko snapped.

"You're right, Zuko. I've seen that girl in here quite a lot." Iroh agreed.

"Maybe she just really likes the tea." I suggested hopefully.

"No, no. Seems to me she has quite the crush on our Lee, here." Iroh stated.

"What?" Zuko and I said in unison.

"Thank you for the tea." The girl suddenly appeared behind us.

She handed Zuko the money for her tea but continued to stand there, obviously wanting to talk to him.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"My name's Lee." Zuko replied, turning to face her again. "My uncle, my friend, and I just moved here."

"Hi, Lee, my name's Jin." The girl said sweetly. "I was wondering if you would like to go out some time."

Straight to the point, she was bold, I'll give her that. And she clearly didn't know that Zuko was my boyfriend since he completely failed to mention that. Before Zuko could answer, however, Iroh answered for him.

"He'd love to!" He announced.

"Great! I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown." Jin said before walking away.

I swiftly elbowed Zuko in the ribs and sent him a glare, getting an apologetic look in return; Iroh seemed incredibly pleased with himself. I went back to working, ignoring both of them, until it was time for Zuko's little date. I was cleaning a table when Zuko emerged from the back, Iroh had been fixing his hair and it looked ridiculous, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, that's cute." I teased.

"Shut up." He mumbled. "You know I don't want to do this, right?"

"Oh, yeah, that would explain why you are doing it!" I scoffed. "Makes perfect sense."

"Come on, Ri. Uncle basically made me." Zuko defended.

"You still could have said no." I spat, crossing my arms.

He sighed in defeat and left the shop to meet Jin, I watched them through the window and saw Jin immediately mess up Zuko's hair, making me glare at her.

"Why are you so fired up?" Iroh asked from behind the counter.

"No reason." I replied, trying to be calm.

"Hmm." Iroh narrowed his eyes at me, not believing a word I said. "Ready to go home?"

"Yeah, just let me finish wiping down this table." I replied.

Iroh and I quickly locked up the tea shop and followed the familiar path home, but Iroh took a wrong turn along the way.

"Um, Iroh? Home is this way." I said, pointing in the other direction.

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