Chapter Eleven

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Sakari's POV

We finally made it to Ba Sing Se! Well, the outer wall anyway. We still had to take the train into the city, and that meant dealing with a mean old lady.

"So, Miss Jade, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Mushy is it?" She asked us.

"It's pronounced 'Moo-shi' actually." Iroh corrected her.

"You telling me how to do my job?" She asked angrily.

"Oh, no, of course not." Iroh said, stepping closer to the booth the lady was in. "But may I just say, you're like a flower in bloom. Your beauty's intoxicating."

"Mm, you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself, handsome." She replied, making me gag. "Welcome to Ba Sing Se."

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself, hitting my head softly on Zuko's shoulder to try and forget what I just heard.

Iroh handed Zuko and I our stamped passports and we headed through the archway into the train station.

"I'm gonna forget I saw that." Zuko told his uncle as he took his passport from him.

We hadn't even been seated for two minutes before Jet found us again, squeezing himself in between me and Zuko.

"So, you guys got plans once you're inside the city?" He asked Zuko, completely ignoring me.

We were interrupted by a merchant selling tea, which Iroh and I gladly accepted. I took a sip and spat it out immediately. It wasn't even warm!

"More like coldest tea in Ba Sing Se!" Iroh complained, spitting his out as well.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Jet asked Zuko before dragging him away to talk.

I watched them talking as I used my heating ability to heat my tea and began drinking it happily, all the while starting to think that maybe my father – my real father – might know why I have these abilities. The conversation wasn't long and Zuko was soon walking back over to us when he noticed both me and Iroh drinking our once cold tea. He turned back to Jet who was looking wide-eyed at us and I realised I had made a big mistake. He thinks we're Firebenders. Zuko knocked the cups out of our hands as soon as Jet walked away.

"Hey!" Iroh and I said in unison.

"What are you doing Firebending your tea?!" He whisper yelled to Iroh as I Waterbended the spilt tea off my clothes. "For a wise old man, that was a pretty stupid move."

"I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but it's just so sad." Iroh said sadly.

Zuko then turned to me and I gave him an innocent looking smile, hoping he would go easy on me.

"And you're supposed to be smarter than that too." He scolded. "People know that Waterbenders can't heat water to that degree! They're gonna think you're a Firebender!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." I said, crossing my arms and pouting at him.

He sighed and sat down between me and Iroh, placing his arm around me as we waited for the train.

"You two are gonna get me killed." He stated, shaking his head.

The train arrived about twenty minutes later and we quickly made our way onto it, sitting next to a couple with a baby.

"What a handsome baby." Iroh told them kindly.

The train started moving and we were on our way into the city, I was staring out the window at the farmland as we passed through it, and this was just the outer wall!

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