Chapter Twelve

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Sakari's POV

We had been working in the tea shop every day since we arrived in Ba Sing Se and word had spread about Iroh's delicious tea. The shop was completely full up!

"This is the best tea in the city." A man commented as I poured him a cup.

"The secret ingredient is love." Iroh told him from a couple of tables away, making me raise my eyebrow at him.

"Hey, Sakar - uh, Jade." Zuko whispered to me from across the table.

"Yes, Lee?" I asked.

"You wanna go somewhere after work?" He asked me.

"Like where?" I asked, curious about his sudden offer.

But before Zuko could respond, the front door burst open and we turned to see Jet barging inside.

"I'm tired of waiting. These two men are Firebenders!" He announced, pointing at Zuko and Iroh. "And she's some kind of evil Waterbender!" He pointed at me.

"Evil Waterbender? Right." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "We're not Fire Nation."

"I know they're Firebenders! I saw the old man heating his tea." Jet stated, pulling his hook swords.

"He works in a tea shop." One of the customers answered.

"He's a Firebender, I'm telling you!" Jet argued.

"Jet, they're nonbenders. And, yeah, I'm a Waterbender." I said calmly, lifting everyone's tea from their cups and then lowering it back down as proof.

"You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know." Jet said, ignoring me. "Go ahead, show them what you can do."

I was about to start bending at him when Zuko grabbed one of the customers duel swords and faced Jet.

"I'll give you a show." He said, kicking a table at Jet.

The two of them continued fighting, swinging their swords around dangerously and breaking a few tables and chairs.

"At least take it outside!" I yelled at them.

Jet proceeded by kicking Zuko through the front door and following him out, the rest of us all rushed outside to watch them.

"That's not exactly what I meant." I mumbled to myself.

"You must be getting tired of using those swords." Jet said to Zuko, gaining the upper hand. "Why don't you go ahead and Firebend at me?"

"Please, you're confused!" Iroh told Jet. "You don't know what you're doing."

"Bet you wish he helped you out with a little fire blast right about now." Jet taunted Zuko.

They swung their swords at each other some more before Zuko stabbed one of his into one of Jets, pinning it to the ground.

"You're the one that needs help." He spat.

Zuko swung his sword at Jet, but Jet did a backbend and dodged it just in time before jumping onto a well in the middle of the street.

"You see that? The Fire Nation is trying to silence me!" Jet spoke to the crowd.

"Alright, that's it!" I yelled.

I bended the water from the well into the air furiously and sent it crashing back to the ground onto Jet, who got knocked off his feet.

"Why is it so hot?!" He yelled.

"Oh, sorry!" I said sarcastically, pushing him against the side of the well and freezing him there. "Is that better?"

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