Chapter Twenty-One

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Sakari's POV

"Are you kidding me?!" I screamed at Zuko.

But I couldn't focus on what he was doing right now, Katara and I were facing off against Azula while Zuko was attacking Aang. Katara and I sent attack after attack at Azula, but she was good. She dodged every one of our attacks while still sending fire blasts at us, smirking at us. I sent sharp icicles flying towards her, most of them missed, but I finally landed a hit with one! It scraped her shoulder, making her bleed, she glared at me menacingly. Katara and I continued bending water at her, finally knocking her down, and we didn't stop there. Katara used a stream of water to trap her arm as she was about to punch a fire ball, while I used one to grab her foot as she was about to kick. We were about to slam her into a wall when a wave of fire cut through our water traps; Zuko. We had now all switched opponents, Azula was fighting Aang, and Zuko was fighting Katara. I was trying to help both Aang and Katara, shooting boiling water at Azula and Zuko.

"I thought you had changed!" Katara yelled to Zuko.

Ok, now I really wanted to know what was going on with them earlier. I watched Azula slam Aang into a wall and then join her brother to help take down Katara, she shot a huge blast of fire at her, but I bended an even bigger wave at it and turned it to steam.

"Don't you dare hurt my sister!" I yelled at her.

I suddenly changed up my stance and began the Firebending routine that Zuko had taught me, hoping that it would throw Azula off. But Zuko knew the routine, and easily blocked my every move, giving Azula a chance to knock Katara into a wall, unconscious. Aang suddenly reappeared and began moving towards Zuko and Azula on a giant moving rock, this gave me the distraction I needed. I quickly created a giant whirlpool and sent it flying in their direction, it picked them up and threw them to the opposite side of the room. I felt victorious, but it only lasted a second because the Dai Li suddenly appeared out of nowhere, surrounding us. Katara was conscious again and she quickly created the octopus form, preparing to knock some heads. I, however, took a deep breath and lifted my arms into the air slowly, feeling the blood flowing through the veins of the group of men in front of me. In one quick motion I had all of them on their knees, bending them to my will. Everything suddenly stopped, however, and I looked behind me to see Aang rising high into the air, he was in the Avatar state, preparing to do some damage. But it didn't last, he was unexpectedly struck by lighting and began falling fast. I watched in shock as Katara created a massive wave and surfed it towards Aang, washing the Dai Li and Zuko away as she moved.

"Is he...?" I asked hesitantly as I ran to where Katara had caught a lifeless Aang.

She didn't have time to answer though because a huge blast of fire suddenly struck the ground between us and the two Firebenders approaching us. Iroh jumped from above us and landed in front of us, ready to hold off Azula and Zuko.

"You have to get out of here!" He ordered us. "I'll hold them off as long as I can!"

I helped Katara to her feet and was about to get the hell out of there when I was stopped by Azula calling out to me.

"Oh dear, Sakari." She said, stopping me in my tracks. "But don't you want to know who your father is?"

I was frozen in shock, she couldn't possibly know, could she?

"You're bluffing." I stated, turning to face her.

"Oh, but I'm not." She smirked. "He works as a guard in the palace, you see, and I heard a rumour about when he used to be a soldier. Something about a raid at the Northern Water Tribe and a beautiful Waterbender."

"Sakari, she's playing you." Katara said from beside me. "We have to get Aang out of here."

Katara began walking towards a waterfall with a limp Aang in her arms, but I didn't move, I couldn't move.

"Better make your mind up quickly, I think she might leave you behind." Azula taunted.

I turned to see Katara about to bend and I suddenly threw my arms in the air, lifting the water up and sending it flying at everyone in the room, freezing their legs to the ground.

"Sakari! We need to leave!" Katara screamed at me.

I walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, already regretting what I was about to do.

"I'm sorry, Katara, but I just... I have to know." I told her, not looking her in the eyes. "I will return to you, I promise."

And with that I turned my back on her, waving my arm to unfreeze everyone, and walking towards what could quite possibly be my doom.


The boat ride to the Fire Nation was long and boring, I had met Ty Lee and Mai, and I think I could get along with Ty Lee. Mai, however, was a total bore, she never let any emotion show and didn't find anything exciting. Azula was nice enough when she wanted to be, I guess. She had given me some Fire Nation clothes to wear so that people wouldn't ask questions about me, they consisted of a top with a high collar that stopped midway down my torso, and some pants with a skirt type thing around them. She had also given me some shoes and some arm bands to complete my look. Now, Zuko... Zuko had crushed my heart into a million pieces when he fought against us... And I just couldn't be with him anymore.


"Zuko. We need to talk." I said, finding him in his room on the ship.

"Sakari!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. "I'm so glad you came with me!"

"Zuko, we need to break up." I told him, watching his face fall.

"What? But you came with me." He said confused.

"Zuko, you attacked Aang and Katara. And me!" I reminded him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry, Sakari. I really am." I said, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Zuko, I just can't. You've gone back to your old ways! All you care about it getting your honour back!" I yelled at him.

"You're no better!" He spat, pointing his finger in my face. "You betrayed the Avatar. You betrayed your family. You're here on this ship as well!"

"I'm only here to find out who my father is!" I yelled back, slapping his hand away from me.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry." Zuko said, holding his hands up in surrender. "Just be careful around Azula."

"I can handle her." I stated.

I reached my hands up to my neck and unclasped the opal necklace that resided there, with one last look at it I placed it in Zuko's hand. He looked heartbroken. I couldn't bare to look at him anymore, so I turned and left the room.

"I'm sorry, Zuko."


I was now standing in front of a door, Azula was at my side, nudging me forward.

"This is his room. Go on." She said encouragingly.

I stepped forward and knocked on the door three times, I heard movement on the other side and the door swung open to reveal a man around the same age as my adoptive father, Hakoda. This man was tall, he had dark brown eyes, black hair, and a thin face. Clearly, I took after my mother, but I guess I already knew that from the picture I had seen of her.

"Yes? do I know you?" He asked, looking between me and Azula.

"You don't recognise your own daughter, Kato?" Azula asked.

The man's eyes widened at me and we stood frozen, staring at each other. This was my father.

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