Chapter Nineteen

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Sakari's POV

I stormed into the Jasmine Dragon, angry and upset after seeing Katara, and ran past Zuko and Iroh to the back of the shop. I collapsed to the floor behind the counter, trying to control my breathing, but it was hard. My sister didn't trust me anymore, she hates me, which meant that Sokka and Aang probably do as well. I sat hugging my knees, trying to keep from having a panic attack, when Zuko walked in and sat down next to me, placing his hand on my knee.

"What happened?" He asked softly, trying not to push the answer out of me.

"She hates me." I mumbled through my sobs.

I had never really cried in front of Zuko before and was suddenly very aware of his eyes on me. He looked stunned, wondering what on earth could possibly make me break down like this.

"Who hates you?" He asked carefully.

"Katara!" I yelled, covering my face in my hands as I cried.

Zuko didn't say anything, even though I knew he wanted to ask when I had seen her. Instead he held me in his arms, listening to me cry, waiting for me to calm down enough to explain myself. After I did, he seemed to understand, he tried to tell me that Katara was just mad and that she didn't really hate me, but it was hard for me to believe.

"I bloodbended her... You should have seen the way she looked at me." I told him, peeking through my hands to look at him.

"It doesn't matter. She's your sister. She loves you no matter what." Zuko stated.

"Thanks, Zu." I hugged him and wiped the tears from my eyes.

We stood and were about to help Iroh finish cleaning the shop when a man strolled in and handed Iroh a scroll.

"A message from the royal palace." He said before bowing to Iroh and leaving.

Iroh opened the scroll and read its contents, his eyes widened in shock.

"I... I can't believe it." He said excitedly.

"What is it, Uncle?" Zuko asked, still standing by my side.

"Great news!" He announced. "We've been invited to serve tea to the Earth King!"


The next day we arrived at the royal palace, stepping out of the carriage excitedly.

"I imagined myself here many times, at the threshold of the palace." Iroh said as we approached the doors. "But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror."

"Never crossed your mind that you'd be serving tea?" I asked jokingly, making him and Zuko chuckle.

"Destiny truly is a funny thing." Iroh stated.

We entered the palace and were led to a room with a small table in the center, we were told that the Earth King would be here shortly. Iroh placed his teapot and cups on the table, pouring the tea into each of the cups as we waited for the Earth King.

"What's taking so long?" Zuko asked, getting impatient.

"Maybe he slept in." I suggested, knowing full well that a King was not allowed to sleep in.

As if on cue a group of Dai Li agents entered the room and surrounded us.

"Something's not right." Zuko whispered to us.

"It's tea time." The bone chilling voice of Azula spoke.

"Azula!" Zuko exclaimed, standing to face his sister.

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