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After (YN) teaching Bakugo knocking some sense for still treating Izuki like crap and to his two other friends as well, the two started heading to their houses as it was already sunset...the two arrive at Midoriya's house apartment...

(YN): Well, we've arrive to your destination.

Izuki: Y-Yeah...thanks for walking me always...

(YN): Don't mention it. I just wanna keep you safe and away from that bastard that him and I are no longer friends...which is a relief. Anyways, see you next week then.

As (YN) was walking away to head to his home, he then got this feeling that Izuki was still standing behind him, and also hearing her sobbing quietly as he quickly turns around and walks up to Izuki...

(YN): O-Oi Izuki! What's wrong!? Why are you-

Izuki: K-Kachan's right...

(YN): What??!

Izuki: Kachan is right about me....without a quirk I don't deserve to be a hero, especially not even try my hardest to enter UA....I'm nothing but a failure...I'm just gonna embarrass myself even more if I even apply UA...I guess I'll just give up on my dreams...

(YN$ had heard enough...he walks over to Izuki, places his hands onto her shoulders as Izuki notices as she blushes and (YN) tells him...

(YN): Listen to me Izuki, don't ever listen to what he says to you! Everything he tells you is such total bullshit! He has no right to jump into your business and your dreams! I don't care what he says to you, just ignore him and keep dreaming on becoming a hero!

Suddenly, blossoms started to fall of from the trees near them as (YN) gives Izuki some strong words...

(YN): Izuki, when you told me first about you not having a power, I saw this timid girl that no matter if she doesn't have a quirk, she'll still become a hero no matter what. And that, that inspired me too....there are stories about every hero, how they became great, most have one thing in common, their minds dream on becoming a hero before actually thinking about it in the future. Almost everyone does it....even me. That's what happens to you. Keep on dreaming and never giving up.

Suddenly, after hearing (YN)'s words, Izuki's eyes started to get watery as soon she started to get emotional...she then place her face to (YN)'s chest as she started sobbing as (YN) slowly wraps his arms around her and tells her again..

(YN): too can become a hero no matter what.

Izuki continues to sob quietly as she hugs (YN)...after that, she then lifts her head up as she looks at (YN), with a little emotional smile on her face as (YN) wipes her tears off as Izuki tells him...

Izuki: Th-Thank you...! Thank you for being the friend I've always wanted. A friend I want to be with, a friend that I've wanted to care and always be on your side no matter what...thank you (YN)...

(YN): *smiles a little* ...I'm glad I've became friend with you as well...

The two started to have a moment while still hugging...after that, the two then said their goodbyes as they will see each other next week at school, (YN) then started heading over to his home. As minutes go by and it was still sunset and almost night time, he then arrive to his house, he unlocks his door with his keys, enters the house, closes it as he takes off his shoes on the rug and heads over to the living room to see his mom, Tekka sittimg on the sofa watching TV...

Tekka: Honey is that you?

(YN): Yeah, I'm home.

Tekka then walks over to (YN) and gives him a kiss on the cheek...

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