Chp.8 Entering The UA Entrance Exam

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It was morning still as all the students were heading to UA High to apply for the UA entrance exam and too see who is capable to entering UA High. Suddenly, there's some students that were surrounded as they were talking with Bakugo for some reason...

Student #3: Oh man! Bakugo I bet your gonna nail this one!

Student #2: Yeah no kidding! With that quirk you got you'll pass the exams like nothing!

Bakugo: Ha! You bet your asses I'm gonna ace this exam! Just like I always do at Aldera High! No one can be better nor stronger than me! And I will proof everywhere here that I will become the best hero to all time and enter UA High!

As the students started cheering for Bakugo, suddenly, some of them notice someone was coming, who happens to know him, this student was none other than (YN)...

Student #6: Holy shit! Look y'all! It's (YN)!

Bakugo: What?!

The students who were with Bakugo suddenly quickly turned around, also Bakugo as him and the others were shocked to see (YN) here to apply the exam...

Student #4: He's here too!?

Studnet #1: No way! Looks like Bakugo has some competition since (YN)'s here now.

Bakugo: Shut up!! He's not better than me!

With full anger and aggressive, Bakugo started walking towards (YN) as (YN) notices him coming towards him, he stop as Bakugo stood infront of him...

Bakugo: ..You got some nerve to come here, (YN)!

(YN): ..Mind your god damn business. Get the hell out of my way.

Bakugo: Tch. What did you say?!

Bakugo then place his hand onto (YN)'s shoulder as smoke was coming out from Bakugo's hand as if he wanted to burn (YN) up...

Bakugo: Here me out you bastard. Try to talk shit like that to me, and I will set you on fire! And this time I'm ready for you!

Bakugo grins as (YN) started to clench both of his fists as we can tell his is severally started to get pissed off by Bakugo and not looking at him the same way as what he did to Izuki to cause her to commit suicide and kill her self, he kept growing angry from the inside as his hair suddenly started to flow around as if the wind was blowing it and suddenly his eyes started to change color quickly from brown to blue...Bakugo then took a step back and wonder what just happen..

Bakugo: What!? What the hell did you do!?

(YN): The hell are you talking about?

Bakugo: Your hair! And your eyes! They change color! What was that all about!?!

(YN): Like I said...Mind. You. God. Damn. Business.

Bakugo stood quiet as he then scoffs and grunts as (YN) then walks pass by him, Bakugo then looks at him again to notice his hair flowing like if the wind was blowing it..and one of his eyes turn color again quickly from brown to blue...after that, (YN) walks away as he enters the school as Bakugo started thinking to himself...

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