Chp.19 The Rise Of Villain Izuki

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(YN), and the rest of his classmates started emitting their quirk power soon to battle it out against Izuki, Izuki was just standing there as she gives off a smile on her face, as she does, her whole body started to give out some glowing green aura and her green eyes started to glow out as well...soon, class 1-A students started charging against Izuki as Izuki then charges at the students...first off, Jirou and Momo both started off as Jirou plugs her jacks into her amplifiers and slams them to the ground...

Jirou: Heartbeat Distortion!

With Jirou's quirk, she started channeling powerful heartbeats, causing the ground to shatter due to her causing vibrations, as the ground started to shatter and causing a hit of earthquake going towards Izuki, Izuki started using her speed to jump on top of the shatter grounds one by one as she reaches to Jirou as Izuki then strikes a punch towards Jirous's gut, causing her to spat out saliva and somehow Jirou was knocked out with just one punch...

Momo: Jirou! You bastard!

Momo uses her creation quirk out from her body to create a spear and shield for her as she goes charging up to Izuki, Momo started striking her spear to Izuki, but Izuki started dodging them like nothing as she grabs Momo's spear, brakes it in half, Momo uses her shield to protect herself, but Izuki somehow got the strength to punch the shield and torn it into pieces, after that, she grabs Momo's whole face and slams her to the ground...

Kaminari: Momo!! Jirou!! Alright you! Let's see you can handle my quirk power, 1.3 million volt-

Izuki then was quick enough to stop Kaminari from using his electrification quirk as Izuki strikes a knee towards Denki's face, causing him to be sent flying away, crashing towards Rikido, Ojiro, Kouda and Shouji as the five were knocked out the fact being hit by Kaminari's electrification quirk by accident...after that, Izuki continues to rush towards the other students as Aoyama blasts his navel lazer from his gut, Izuki jumps over it as she then strikes a kick towards his face, knocking him out, Mina stepped in as she then rushes towards Izuki and starts blasting one of her acid quirk powers towards Izuki, Izuki started dodging the acids drops like nothing while rushing at Mina, as she gets close to Mina, Izuki grabs Mina's whole face and slams her to the ground, picks her up again and then tosses her away with such strength towards Tooru as the two were knocked out...

Izuki: Come on, is this the best y'all got!??

Tsuyu then steps in as she stated hopping around Izuki as she then uses her tongue to extend to grab Izuki, But Izuki notices it coming as she quickly grabs Tsuyu's tongue, pulls her towards Izuki as Izuki strikes a punch towards his face and knocking her out...after that, Izuki then notices that she step on one of Mineta's purple pop offs, causing her feet to be stuck...

Mineta: Ha! Got you now! There's no way you can-

Izuki uses her full strength to free her leg from Mineta's quirk as she stares down at Mineta..

Mineta: ...Crap.

Izuki rushes at Mineta as Mineta tried to run away, Luckily Tokoyami's dark shadow interfered as Tokoyami's dark shadow started fighting Izuki, swings and striking some punches, Izuki was dodging them like nothing as she then rushes towards Tokoyami, strikes a punch towards hit gut, and then an upper cut and then an axe hand from behind his neck, knocking him out...after that, she notices long tapes coming from Sero's elbows as she started avoiding them from being captured, she suddenly caught one of Sero's elbow tapes as she pulls him towards her, and headbutts Sero straight to his face and then a kick to the gut, knocking him out as well...after that, she then notices Kirashima charging at her as Kirashima tried swinging a punch at her and miss as Izuki dodges it, Kirashima started using his hardening quirk to try swimming punches at Izuki..

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