Chp.14 End Of Battle Training

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And so, Bakugo and (YN) we're both standing from each other from a far distance as Bakugo started cracking his neck, and (YN) started cracking his neck and shoulders...

Bakugo: Here I come!!!

Bakugo then emits his explosion quirk to give him a speed boost to charge at (YN), he then swings a kick as he was able to swing the kick towards (YN)'s side face...

Bakugo: Gotcha!!!! W-Wait what-!!!??

Bakugo knew that he kicked (YN) in the side of his face and still had his feet on it, but he then notices that that kick did no affect to him as (YN) was still standing still...he stared at Bakugo with this look in his eyes that made Bakugo sweat and shake in a fear a little as (YN) grabbed Bakugo's leg and then slams him to the ground, causing Bakugo to spat out saliva, after the slam, Bakugo notices that (YN) lifted his whole left arm up, and seems to be charging it up with his quirk as he gets ready to strike a punch at him, Bakugo moved out of the way quickly as (YN) swinger his left arm and instead punched the ground, the punch was so powerful and seem brutal that it caused the whole building to shake...(YN) then charges at Bakugo as Bakugo got up quickly and then didn't notice (YN) appeared in-front of him as (YN) then swings a brutal punch to Bakugo's gut, causing Bakugo to spat blood this time, after that, he gives Bakugo an upper cut, and then a spinning kick to the chest, sending him crashing to a wall, Bakugo was hurt, he could barely get up, and soon to notice that (YN) was charging at him again, he was gonna swing a punch at him, Bakugo moved out of the way as (YN) missed the punch again, Bakugo notices the punch from (YN) seem so powerful and brutal that it could have caused him to kill him...

Bakugo Mind: Th-This guy! What's up with his quirk!?! How strong is it!?! Doesn't matter! I'll take him down! I did it once and I'll do it again!

Bakugo charges at (YN) as he then started stunning him with his explosion quirk, somehow, (YN) was still standing up as Bakugo started rapidly stunning (YN) with his quirk, as the two were dealing with each other fighting, Ochaco then notices a pillar on the ground, she then got an idea. She runs as she uses her gravity quirk to touch the pillar and make weight lighter...back with Bakugo and (YN), the two were still going at it towards each other, Bakugo was having trouble trying to fight back against (YN) for some reason, (YN) was this time using One For All, he was so fast and quick and was dodging Bakugo's strikes like nothing...

Bakugo Mind: H-How is he this strong and fast?!? This ain't possible! He's not suppose to have quirk! Never! I would have known since skids! But why now!?! Nrrrrrgh! He's making me more pissed off I wanna end this fight now!

Bakugo then flies backwards as he stood a far distance from (YN)...

Bakugo: You bastard! So you were tricking me ever since! Nrrrrgh! Well guess what! You're not better than me! No one is! I'll be the best and better than you and all of you damn nerds!!! Just for the fuck of it!! I'm going to end this fight right here!

(YN) stood quiet as he then clench both of his hands as both of his arm as started to sparkle up volts and aura glowing, he then stared down at Bakugo as he goes and started running up to him..

Bakugo: Alright then! Here I go!!!

As the two were charging at each other, charging up their quirks to unleash their super attack on each other and see who would win, Ochaco then lifts up the pillar with her gravity quirk as he calls out Iida...

Ochaco: Hey Iida! No hard feelings. Take this!

Bakugo: This ends now!!!!!


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