Chp.54 All Might's Retirement

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Hours later, was dawn, 7:30pm, (YN) has finally got out from the hospital as he soon to have his injuries healed up and feeling better. His friends were walking with him so he can get home safe in case, Izuki was holding on his arm, as she blushes and smiles, knowing that she is finally with (YN). And so, their friends were making their way to their house as they said bye to each other and seeing them again next week at school. The last one to leave was Bakugo, as he heads down to his house, he grins around, looos at (YN) and Izuki, and out of no where is shock, he gave a little smile to them, and wave a little bye at them...the two then smiled at him and waved bye at Bakugo as well....and so, both Izuki and (YN) head to (YN)'s house knowing that Inko is over there with Tekka at her house. As they arrive to their house. Tekka was glad to see her son coming home safe alongside with Izuki, Inko as well...then, Tekka told (YN) is All Mighy has called or texted him, (YN) did said that he got a text from All Might, saying to meet him at the beach at 8pm, Tekka knew already, and wanted to remind (YN) that All Might also told her to remind him...

(YN): He also told you to remind me to meet him at the beach?

Tekka: Yes. He told me once he came from the hospital after having his wounds checked.

(YN): Well, it's almost 8 anyways. Might as well head over there and meet him up.

Tekka: Okay, just be careful while you're heading over there.

(YN): I will.

Inko: Be safe out there (YN).

As (YN) then was about to exit his house, Izuki calls him...

Izuki: Wait (YN).

(YN): What is is Izuki?

Izuki blushes a little, she then places her hand on (YN)'s cheeks as she reaches for a kiss on the lips as she and (YN) gave each other a kiss on the lips, after that, she blushes more and tells (YN)...

Izuki: Be careful while going over there and coming home.

(YN): I will.

(YN) again gives Izuki a kiss on her forehead as he then leaves the house. As he does, Izuki turns around and notices her mom and Tekka gave a surprise look on their face as Izuki says...

Izuki: O-Oh. I forgot to mention that me and (YN)...are a thing now...

Inko rushes towards Izuki and gives her a hug...

Inko: Oooh my baby! I knew the two of you end up like this! I just know it!

Izuki: W-Wait, what??

Tekka: Bewteen me and your mother, we knew the two of you would end up together. Why you think (YN) kelts that necklace around his neck with you and him on it? He knew how much led he cared about you and missed you. He wouldn't live his life without you. I'm glad he chose you.

Izuki: ...Yeah, I am too.


Meanwhile, at the beach, All Might was standing on a bridge, looking at the view of the ocean, as he then heard someone approaching him, and it was (YN) who arrive...

All Might: Young (YN), I'm glad to see you. How are you? And how's the arm?

(YN): I'm okay. My wounds are healing up a bit, and my arm...well, it's getting there.

All Might: That good to hear. ...Young (YN)...there's something I need to tell you.

(YN): What is it?

All Might then faces towards (YN) as he then says...

All Might: ...Young (YN) effectively retiring as a pro. My body cannot not fight anymore.

(YN): What??! No way...

All Might: ...The last embers of One For All have left me, and my muscle form won't last for any significant amount of time. That's why...I won't be able to do pro hero work anymore. But...even so, every single time I warned you not to get in dangerous problems like this, no matter what I tell you! No matter how many times I tell you, you keep going overboard and it's your power and hurting yourself! That's why, this time...

(YN) felt bad for not not listening to All Might every time to he weans and tells him to keep out of trouble...but suddenly, All Might approaches to him and suddenly gives him a hug...

(YN): A-All Might..?

All Might: This manage to show yourself to everyone else that who you really going to be at the future, and show guts that you take down your own father. I was so happy for what you did during that fight, and proud for what you stood up for. You made me happy. And after I got out from the hospital, your mother gave me a call, and arrive to your house, we had a little talk. And well...she has told me of how much I have been there for her after the battle I had against your father years back, how I always checked on her, looked up for her, and always there for her when she is needed. And as we talked...we made an agreement...form here on out...I will devote myself on raising you as well. Let's keep working hard together. I'll do my best to be on your side and raising you good, alongside with your mother.

Suddenly, (YN) started to become emotional as his eyes started to be watery...and he starts to have memories back then when he first met All Might, and how he has treated him good, knowing he and his mother were friends...he has cared for him, treated him very well, looked out for him, and cared for him....after that, he then sheds a tear as he says...

(YN): D-Dad...

All Might: Hmm?

(YN): C-Crap. S-Sorry. I didn't mean to say that, I-

All Might: Hehehe. It's okay...son.

After hearing All Might calling him "son" (YN) suddenly started to cry, crying with joy. He started sobbing as well as he was hugging All Might tight and never letting him go....

(YN): Th-Thank you for everything...Father!

All Might: Your welcome. And you don't have to be worry now, because I am here for you too, son.

(YN) continues to cry as All Might and him were having a little moment, knowing that (YN) not only sees All Might as a hero...but he now sees his real father.


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