Chapter Six

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"Good morning handsome." I said to Sokka, he blushed and sat up quickly. "You made my legs fall asleep." I giggled. "Can I fix your hair?" His eyes met mine and he shrugged.

"Sure." I moved behind him and but his wolf tail into a double braided bun.

"There!" I smiled and then I fixed my own hair and grabbed my new outfit.

"Thank you." He blushed again and I jumped behind a tree. We had landed a few hours ago and the other two were practicing what Katara knew of water bending. I had snuck into town with Sokka and bout fabrics. While Sokka napped on me I sewed my outfit. (Picture)

I walked out and saw Aang and Katara flushing the supplies down the river and drenching the poor non bender. I giggled catching everyone's attention. Aang gawked and blushed slightly. Katara looked jealous but smirked at my burned side and Sokka just grumbled about being cold and wet.

"That's enough practice for today." Katara said.

"Yeah, I'll say! You just "practiced" our supplies down the river."

    "Uh, sorry. I'm sure we can find somewhere to replace all this stuff."

    "My life was hard enough when you were just an airbender. There's a city that way."

As Katara, Sokka, Aang, and I walk through the streets of a city market and port. I saw a bunch of armed guard watching us. Sokka and Katara look nervous while Aang looks around in wonder. I just walked y'all with my jewel resting on my head.

    "We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend it wisely.

    "Uh, make that two copper pieces, Sokka. I couldn't say no to this whistle!" He pulls out a white whistle that looks like a bison, takes a huge breath and blows into it, but it barely makes a sound.

    "It doesn't even work." Aang stops blowing when Momo squawks at him. "See? Even Momo thinks it's a piece of junk."

    "No offense Aang, but I'll hold the money from now on." Aang hands me the two copper coins that I put with my gold coins on my pouch.

    "Earth Nation! Fire Nation! Water Nation! So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by!" We walk by and the man runs to us. "You there, I can see from your clothing that you're world-traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?" I sighed

On the boat I walk around and see Katara looking at the scroll.

"Where did you get a waterbending scroll?" I looked at Aang as he spoke.

    "Let's just say I got it up North, at a most reasonable price, free." He rolls the scroll back up and puts it away back in its shelf. I grab it and smirk.

"So how much for the uhh traded scroll?" Katara asked.

"Not for sale. Unless you got 200 gold pieces right now." I smiled knowing I had that and more. But instead I was going to do what Zuko would.

"You know Fire is a dangerous thing." I smirked holding a white flame underneath the scroll his eyes widened.

"No!" He said. "You want the scroll? I want the amount your father would pay for you." I smiled everyone looked at me as they inched closer to the door.

"No. Run!" We all ran out as pirates chased us. I made a wall of white flame behind us and flipped away throwing the scroll to Katara, she caught it and Aang opened his glider grabbing my waist.

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