🧡Pairing up the male and female Protagonists💙

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I. Overview:
Ah, yes, perhaps the most popular ship in the entire fandom. Just about anywhere you go there's lots of content dedicated to the ship. I can understand why people can get annoyed due to the amount of traffic it gets, but they are the protagonists of the series after all. Jake's "charming personality" and Hailey's more logical and rational persona, along with both of them having personalities built for leadership, this pairing was bound to get fricking popular.

Although, out of all the ships in the TMF fandom, Jailey gets the most amount of criticism. Constructive criticism is always good, but despite what some may say, there's some logic behind the ship. Most people who ship Jailey aren't imbeciles, so claiming it doesn't make sense isn't exactly a correct statement.

II. Relationship Potential:
This here is the biggest reason as to why I personally love this ship. I've stated this before on other platforms, but I'm just going to bring it back here.

If Jake and Hailey wind up together at the end of the series, they're quite different people, but they have enough commonalities for this relationship to work. Jake is more bold, confident (sometimes even borderline narcissistic), and seems like the type to take risks without thinking through the consequences of his actions, I'll get further into this later. Hailey is more logical and rational, before making a decision no matter how big or small it is, she'll think over each possible outcome of her actions. As a result, Hailey can prevent Jake from doing something stupid or regrettful, and Jake can open her up into taking more risks.

This kind of relationship will not only be beneficial to both characters, but it'll build character development for both. Do they have enough differences that'll cause their relationship to have some problems? Yes. Can they work through those problems? Absolutely. This relationship as a result can build communication skills, the ability to compromise, and teamwork. Jake and Hailey also have enough similarities to have a healthy relationship.

III. Overall Dynamic:
Jake and Hailey's interactions can be interpreted as either boring or full of chemistry, depending on the viewer. But, despite that fact, they've interacted the most with each other more than all the other characters in the series. Even with Daisy, whom Jake is head over heels for, they've only talked once per episode, making a total of four interactions.

Jake and Hailey have had two full-fledged interactions for both episodes one and two. They had their most significant interaction in the library in episode three, not because they held hands and blushed, but because Hailey's opinion of Jake is beginning to change.

As well, despite their differences, their personalities quite compliment each other. It gives a somewhat comedical twist to each other, further making their interactions more enjoyable to watch.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:
Jake has a big ego, I can assume most would agree. But, despite what I mentioned earlier, he's not a narcissist. What separates him from that is the fact that he cares about other people's feelings. He's not a shallow person. Does he always think about how he can affect others from his decisions? No. Does he want to purposefully hurt people's feelings? No, he's not a bad person.

He's negligent, but he doesn't do things with malicious intent. His negligence is in fact reflected in his impulsive decision making. For example, when Jake joined the music club, he didn't account for a couple things. One, there's a possibility that Daisy doesn't feel the same way he does about her. And two, if the music club finds out about his ulterior motive, it'll make them angry, he's basically using them to get the attention of a girl.

Something tells me that Jake didn't have the intention to use them, but it'll come off that way. But his carelessness will cause him to lose the trust the music club had in him. That in itself is his biggest flaw.

From what we've seen of Jake's character, he's also scared of judgment. He has trauma from being bullied at a young age from his love of music, as a result of that, he has a fear of telling others about his genuine passion for music. It doesn't necessarily have to be Hailey, but confessing to someone about his past could lighten the weight on his shoulders. Getting over this judgment others burdened on him could give him a chance to grow as a person and accept himself.

Hailey isn't a perfect character, but she has less flaws than Jake does. I guess with her, Hailey seems kinda uptight. She gets easily annoyed and seems like the type who takes things too seriously, although, she can probably take a joke. Hailey needs to lighten up a little and have some fun, not everything in life is stress and work.

Much like Jake, she also has insecurities of her own that she needs to work through. Her friends and step-brother obviously accept her, but these insecurities could also be what prevents her from seeking out a romantic relationship.

Jake in particular needs to find someone that'll accept his insecurities, whether platonic or romantic, something tells me he'll probably find it in Hailey. It's not concrete proof since he has other friends he could go to besides Hailey. However, if he finds the lack of judgment and the ability to be himself with Hailey, this is the perfect opportunity for him to help her lighten up and enjoy life more. This kind of development isn't out of the question,especially since they commonly interact with each other.

Their most significant interaction occurred in episode three in the library, no, not because of the hand-holding scene. Hailey literally admitted she trusted Jake, even though it was with Milly's personal information, but it's demonstrated in a future episode that it's more than just that. A result of this trust can be found in episode four, Hailey had told Jake about Luke's crush on Zander. When the series started, it would've been extremely unlikely that Hailey would've divulged that kind of personal information of one of her closest friends to Jake, but after seeing what lengths Jake went through to protect Milly's private information, the trust is beginning to develop.

V. Final Thoughts:
Despite what happened between Hailey and Jake in the past, the viewers don't get to witness that, unless we get a full-fledged flashback in a future episode. What the viewers do see is what's going on in present time for these characters, so in many ways, their actions now are more important than what happened in the past for them. We get to see and experience what the characters are going through now, which is what the viewers are going to remember and stick with for the rest of the series.

Seeing Jake try to help and seek forgiveness from the members of the music club is what's going to stick when we think of his character. Seeing Hailey begin to trust Jake and forgive him from his past actions is what's going to stick when we think of her character.

And since these two characters get the most screen-time on average since they're the protagonists, their actions are going to be the most impactful on the series. Hence, the popularity of the ship due to the amount of screen-time dedicated to them. If they get together, it'll show that true forgiveness is out there, you'll just need to work for it.

Next up: Lander 💛💕💜

A/N: Okay, for those waiting for ch.12 of Legendary, I'm sorry for the delay. It's coming, I'm working on it, I'm about 75% done with it. I was just busy working on this, ch.12, and schoolwork and I'm super stressed right now. I'm hoping to get ch.12 done before the release of episode five of TMF. Thank you all for being patient with me.

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