🧡Istg this ship is Drarry in disguise lmao💜

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Quick A/N: I know most of you won't but I'm just going to quickly say please don't disrespect this ship. Even though it's not canon, some people still ship it.

I. Overview:
Jander is fairly unusual, but it's not a bad ship, despite the fact that it gets heavily criticized. Jake's bold, confident, carefree attitude completely contrasts Zander's more distant and reserved personality. Jake is also trusting, a quality Zander doesn't possess.

Plus, Zander still doesn't like Jake at this current point in the series. But, even though this ship isn't canon, it would be a pretty interesting relationship.

It would be a fine line between learning from each other and becoming better people as a result, and driving each other insane from their vast differences.

II. Relationship Potential:
Further diving into the idea of them having an interesting relationship, Jake's negligence and lack of putting thought into...well...everything, will probably irritate the heck out of Zander.

As well as Zander's lack of trust in him will ultimately drive a wedge between them in their relationship. It's important to trust your romantic partner if you're going to have a relationship.

As well, Zander being more emotionally distant will also annoy Jake. These things will overall hurt their relationship.

So, if it were to work, both would need to change themselves, which would be a major sacrifice to them both. Although, it's not a lost cause, I'll bring up their biggest commonality later.

III. Overall Dynamic:
Going to be perfectly honest, I enjoy watching Jake and Zander's interactions in the series. And it would be hilarious to just see Zander just completely roast Jake in the future, I can't seem to recall any major roastings yet in the series, correct me if I'm wrong.

Their opposite personalities give their interactions a comedic vibe to it, even when they argue. This is one of the biggest reasons as to why I personally love seeing them interact.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:
After looking closely at Zander's character, he seems like the type who won't ever forget, or fully forgive, anyone who wronged him in his past. He would most likely hold onto a grudge for a long time.

Taking into account that Jake bullied him and his step-sister for quite some time, even though we've never actually seen the full extent of it since the events currently taking place in the series are portraying Jake as trying to get the forgiveness of the music club, Zander will never fully forgive him for what happened, even if they eventually are on friendly terms.

Whilst Hailey is more inclined to forgive, showing the biggest difference between Jander and Jailey.

Jake would probably want a romantic partner who's more inclined to open up more emotionally. Zander being more emotionally distant would be a pretty big problem.

Combining that and Zander's lack of trust, this relationship would end with constant arguing and possibly a pretty nasty breakup. But like I said earlier, it can work, they have one commonality.

They don't do things with malicious intent. Jake's negligence and not taking into account that his actions have consequences can accidentally hurt people. But is Jake a bad person? No.

Zander tends to be more brutally honest, not taking people's sensitivity into consideration. But is Zander a bad person? No.

Examples of both of these behaviors can be depicted in different episodes. Jake impulsively joins the music club just to impress Daisy in episode one, not realizing that the band may wind up feeling used, as explained in a previous analysis.

Zander comes down on Milly for fighting Zoey in episode three. He's not wrong, if Milly gets yanked from the band competition, it hurts the whole club. But he doesn't take Milly's feelings and experiences into account, so it's understandable that her feelings got hurt.

Jake and Zander are probably the most dynamic characters in the series. They have big flaws they need to work on, making their characters interesting to watch.

So seeing them change and grow would definitely show significant development. And perhaps these changes and their overall character growths may make them more compatible in the future, who knows?

V. Final Thoughts:
Personal opinion, the true definition of opposites attract, more than Jailey, more than Jaisy, more than Lander, etc. This ship gives me some Drarry vibes to be perfectly honest.

But like I mentioned before in a previous analysis, Jake and Zander's actions now will affect the series more than what their actions in the past will.

It's interesting since they have tension between them, but it would be nice to see them get along as well. If this was canon instead of Lander, this would be very interesting for the viewers to watch, and see them grow, change, and learn from each other.

A/N: Sorry that this is kinda short but I hope y'all enjoyed it anyways. I had a LOT of fun writing this to be honest.

Also, fellow Lander shippers, if you know a nontoxic Jander shipper, please don't rub the fact that Lander is canon in. Imagine how they are feeling right now, so spiking the ball would only make things worse. I know y'all are good people and won't do so but this is just a quick reminder.

I'm still stuffed from Thanksgiving yesterday. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? If you don't, how was your day yesterday?

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