💙When your ideal relationship is "Screw Jake"🌸

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A/N: I'm just going to warn you now that this analysis won't be very long since Hailey and Daisy only had one interaction. So, much like many other ships with very little screentime together, I did my best with what I could work with.

I. Overview:

If you don't like Jake, well, then this is the ship for you.

I'm joking lol.

But anyways, you can't deny that this ship is wholesome and adorable. Daisy's positive and upbeat perspective on things once again clashes with Hailey's more cautious outlook.

They have way more similarities than other pairings I've looked at in the past, however, they do have a few key differences. This adorable pairing has a lot of potential and I'm genuinely surprised it's not more popular.

II. Relationship Potential :

Much like Jake, Daisy would be the one in the relationship who would be the one to get the latter to open up more. However, Daisy has more brain cells, so it's more likely that she wouldn't make a dumb decision that would call for Hailey's more rational approach to things. The two seem to be on friendly terms as well, which also gives their relationship a more clean start.

From the looks of it, Hailey would benefit a lot from having Daisy as a partner, since there would be less stress on their relationship. No relationship is perfect, but Hailey and Daisy probably wouldn't argue very much. Hailey would have the ability to be more carefree and less stressed and Daisy wouldn't need to change Hailey since she's already a good person.

III. Overall Dynamic:

The two girls have only interacted once and Hailey called Daisy "the epitome of cute". It could've just been a compliment, but only time will tell if they interact again. To be honest, it would be nice to see them interact again. The two are quite adorable independently, so the two of them vibing together would double the wholesomeness.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:

As said in the Jaisy and Seaisy analyses, Daisy is a pretty flat character at the moment. We know very little about her character, nothing about her backstory or motives, and we've only seen glimpses of her personality.

From what I've personally observed, I've come to the conclusion that Daisy is a kind, normal girl that likes being friendly to people, but we still don't know that for sure. However, I personally feel that Hailey is a much more dynamic character at the moment and here's why.

We know a little bit about Hailey's backstory (very little though, information has yet to reveal itself), she's gotten enough screen time that shows off her personality more, and it's evident that she has insecurities.

Why she has those insecurities is still unknown, but in episode five, it's evident that she lacks confidence in her singing, and she's really good at it. If she struggles with confidence in something she's good at, imagine how she feels when it comes to doing something she's not proficient at. However, the root of those insecurities has yet to be revealed. Although, I get the feeling it will get revealed at some point due to the fact Hailey is the other protagonist in the series.

Daisy isn't the only love interest Hailey has that can help her get through these insecurities, but she definitely would try if she got the opportunity to. Future interactions between the two girls would truly determine how compatible or not they are. But at the moment, they do seem like a good match.

V. Final Thoughts:

Hailey and Daisy both are wholesome characters, and they do deserve more screen time together. I can definitely understand the appeal to this ship. The two being together would make sense.

I personally think they would make great friends, but something more would also be adorable and shippable, since the two seem pretty compatible from what we've seen so far in the series. This is definitely a ship I can see myself getting behind if it becomes canon, however, time will tell.

Next up: Jalia 🧡📱

A/N: I'm kinda stressed right now, so I dropped Lailey and Lucy from my to-do list. However, Henriam and Lenry are coming soon. Regarding my math final for those who are reading my current fanfic, I did well on it, but my math teacher took points off because I didn't show enough work for my answers. Oh well lol, I still have a solid A in the class, so for the most part I'm satisfied with my score 😊 Sorry this analysis was short, but I hope y'all still enjoyed it. -Mel

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