🧹Probably the most wholesome ship in the fandom🌸

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Super quick note: this one is going to be much shorter since I have a lot less to go on. So my apologies~

I. Overview:
This ship consists of two adorable cinnamon rolls being adorable cinnamon rolls together. Like, Sean and Daisy being wholesome together is just... wholesome. And the first ship I've looked at so far that doesn't have that 'opposites attract' trope.

Sean and Daisy are both calm, logical, and kind individuals, and they both seriously need more screen-time. There are several wholesome ships in the fandom, but this is one of the more popular ones.

And in a couple ways, I personally feel Sean would be better for Daisy.

II. Relationship Potential:
Even though they've only had one conversation, it's enough to get people to ship it. I personally think Sean would give Daisy a few things that Jake can't.

For one thing, Sean seems a bit more independent. He's much less likely to be clingy towards Daisy and give her the space she'll need. Another thing, they seem to have similar personalities. Neither of them will make a decision without thinking through the consequences.

They're both kind and don't start or escalate conflicts unless deemed necessary. Sean and Daisy aren't twins, but they have more similarities than other ships in the fandom such as Jailey, Jander, Lander, and Jaisy which in one way or another, fall under the 'opposites attract' trope that gives balances of differences.

The commonalities these two share will build a stronger relationship and are less inclined to argue as a result.

III. Overall Dynamic:
There's an essence of innocence about this ship, mainly because of the wholesomeness of both characters. As well as the impression that they immediately clicked after they first interacted.

I get the feeling they're already friends at this point, whether they interact off-screen or not. In many ways, it's a breath of fresh air to see two characters with plenty of similarities be shipped together since a lot of ships, especially in TMF, have more oppositical personalities within the pairing.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:
Daisy and Sean are both flat characters at the moment due to lack of screen time combined with less of the story being dedicated to them, so we know very little about both characters.

Daisy is the kind, perfect student while Sean is the big brother of the music club. He seems responsible, trustworthy, and overall a good person. Hopefully we get to see development for both before the series ends.

It seems likely that Sean and Daisy will interact again at some point in the future. I get this feeling from a scene in episode four, and I'm going to be bringing up Jaisy a little in this example as well.

Daisy mentions that her parents are going to be taking her to dance rehearsals, and Sean takes an immediate interest in that statement. To quote, "You dance? Wow, you really got your plate full, huh?"

It gives possible hints that Sean likes Daisy (platonically or otherwise) on a deeper level. I'm not saying Jake doesn't care, but I get the feeling that his feelings for her are much more shallow than people realize.

V. Final Thoughts:
Sean and Daisy is a really cute ship and has a lot of potential. So it makes sense as to why it's popular. Their similarities make their dynamic wholesome and...I keep saying wholesome since it's the best way for me to describe it.

It's a shame that we still know very little about both of them, and finding out more about them in the future hopefully will make this ship even better than it already is.

I can be sure that this ship would be filled with love, kindness, support, and respect. And seeing how similarly their personalities match up, nothing's perfect but they have fairly strong fundamental commonalities, it would make sense if they wound up together.

Next up: Milliot ❣️🌼

A/N: So sorry for the super short analysis, this ship, yet adorable, has very little to go on. Plus schoolwork got in the way of this multiple times, as well as frequent writers block and lack of interactions in series for me to analyze. I still hoped that you enjoyed it anyways.

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