😇The Angel-Devil Complex😈

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I. Overview:
I love this ship, but there's even less to go on this ship sadly, so there will be more interpretations and predictions than normal in this analysis. So, to start off with something I do know, this ship is another 'opposites attract' ship.

The comparisons of Milly and Elliot mirroring an angel-devil dynamic literally screams how different they are as people. And even though these two characters only interacted once for like 15 seconds, this ship became super popular.

II. Relationship Potential:
Much like Jailey, this pairing can help each other more, since their differences balance them out overall. Milly is confident, feisty, and isn't scared to confront anybody. Elliot is shy, demure, and doesn't look threatening. Sad to say that he also seems like a pushover, probably why Drew also picks on him, or it's at least hinted at in episode three.

Milly's 'I take crap from no one' attitude can help Elliot learn how to stand up for himself and gain some confidence, since he strikes me as noticeably insecure. Milly struggles with insecurities too, which I'll get into later. Elliot's shier persona can help Milly to learn to calm down more, and realize that violence isn't always the answer to your problems.

III. Overall Dynamic:
*lots of predictions here*

You'd expect their oppositical personalities to clash when they interact with each other, but I get the feeling that this isn't the case for these two. Some pairings with opposite personalities oftentimes clash, while others don't clash and they get along for the most part.

Going off of Milly's reaction in episode three when we see Elliot for the first time, she's probably much calmer and shier around him. She probably feels like she can be herself around him and lets her guard down as a result.

Elliot probably feels like he can also be himself around her as a result too, but we don't know whether Elliot likes Milly back or not. But either way, I can bet their personalities change a little when they interact with each other.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:
Since we know a lot more about Milly than Elliot, we'll start off with her. In my personal opinion, Milly is one of the most dynamic characters in the series so far.

Since Zoey heavily harassed her for quite some time now, it's the root of Milly's anger. She seemed like a nice girl when we saw the flashbacks in the episode three mv, and due to Zoey's bullying, Milly's behavior changed.

She became more emotionally closed off and violent as a result. This can be shown in episode three when she doesn't want to tell the music club why she went after Zoey that morning.

The reason, once revealed, didn't seem too big of a deal, but her lack of trust in telling people was what stood out the most, to me at least. I think when Jake helped her out, and didn't invade her privacy since he claimed to not have read the diary page Zoey took, she's probably beginning to realize that she can start trusting people again (Hey look at you Jake, helping other characters as any protagonist does).

In many ways, Zander and Milly are very similar if you really think about it (Don't ask why I'm bringing this up).

Elliot is confirmed to be shy and likes taking care of plants. From the mv in episode three, it seems like Drew also bullies Elliot, so he and Milly struggle with the same thing from the looks of it. As a result, this can lead to bonding since the two understand each other.

V. Final Thoughts:
We still know very little about Elliot's character, but that didn't stop this ship from becoming extraordinarily popular. Elliot was likeable from the start, and Milly is one of the most dynamic characters in the series so far.

And the fact that Milly has feelings for Elliot gave the ship more fuel as a result, so I'm personally not surprised as to why it's so popular.

And as a closing remark, I hope we get to learn more about Elliot's character in the future, especially since he's getting a spin off, and that this wholesome ship gets even more love.

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