🎤The Plot Twist Pairing📱

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I. Overview :
Jake and Lia is a pairing that most people would least expect. However, it has the foundation to be a great ship.

Lia already has a confirmed crush on Jake, and the two have interacted a few times over the course of the series.

I guess the ship isn't as popular due to the fact that Lia isn't a prominent character in the series. But, it doesn't mean it doesn't deserve any recognition.

They have some commonalities that give their relationship a promising start.

II. Relationship Potential :
The one commonality Jake and Lia both have is that they are both stuck in toxic friendships.

Drew isn't as bad as Zoey, but if you look at Jake and Drew's relationship closely, there's a little toxicity behind it.

If Jake is too worried to tell Drew that he loves music and wants to become a singer, then there's something wrong there. People should feel comfortable being open and honest around their friends about this sort of topic, so if they're not, then there's something wrong.

Zoey seems to be evidently manipulating Lia in the series. If you look at the flashback in episode three, when Milly is crying on the floor, there's evident guilt in Lia's face. She's not a bad person.

It's less evident now, because over time, Lia began adopting some of Zoey's habits, but she's not too far gone, out of all the characters in the 'bully clique', Lia is the most redeemable and has the most potential.

If Lia and Jake both ditch their toxic situations, then the two would be happier in the long run. The reason I brought this up was because Jake and Lia have similar backgrounds, so they would seem more likely to open up more around each other since the two can relate to each other.

Having that would make it seem like they're less alone, therefore strengthening their relationship and feeling like they have someone to talk to.

III. Overall Dynamic :
Jake and Lia have plenty of potential, but it hasn't picked up a huge fanbase for the ship.

However, Jake and Lia have had prominent interactions in the first three episodes. The most important one being in episode two, when the music club got backing from their school for the upcoming competition, Jake actually didn't do much.

He just followed what Daisy advised him to do, being the simp he is, and he wound up telling the right person. Lia was the one who got the music club noticed, not Jake. Of course he cares about the music club though.

IV. Character and Relationship Development :
Since Jake is literally in almost every ship in the fandom, we already know enough about his character, backstory, mannerisms, and flaws.

But we know surprisingly little about Lia, that's confirmed to say that least. Like I mentioned earlier, the only real thing we know about her is that she's being manipulated.

Zoey doesn't strike me as a real friend, so why is Lia hanging around her.

Peer pressure. It's pretty easy to figure out.

People have a need to fit in, to find someone they can call a friend. Everybody wants that, no matter how much you deny it, it's in human nature.

Perhaps Lia was alone during freshman year of high school, pulling a random year out of a hat. Zoey was probably initially nice to her at first and they became friends. After getting to know her, she began seeing how mean she was, especially to Milly.

Out of fear, Lia stayed with Zoey to protect herself, worried that the same thing would happen to her if she stood up to Zoey. And over time, Lia slowly began picking up Zoey's mannerisms, and she became kinda like her to an extent. Perhaps even started picking on Milly as well, since it seems pretty obvious Milly and Lia aren't on the best of terms right now.

Hence the phrase 'birds of a feather, flock together'. Situations like this are very common, especially among high schoolers.

After watching (and analyzing) the 'Loved With Your Love MV', I have a hunch that Jake went through roughly the same thing, rewatch it after reading this if you don't believe me.

Lia needs to find someone she can relate to in order for her to find herself and get herself out of this situation. Or perhaps she already found that someone.

I get the feeling that Lia picked up on the fact that Jake is going through the same thing she is, perhaps that's why she fell for him in the first place, that we don't know.

Lia seems to genuinely care about Jake, she helped him out immensely in episode two, and in episode three, she seemed genuinely concerned when she saw Jake's black eye and her offer to take him to the nurse's office also sounded sincere.

I find it quite sad that she seems to like him more than he likes her, because from what I've seen, he hasn't shown any evident interest in her.

V. Final Thoughts:
I personally think if Lia was a more prominent character in TMF, the ship would get way more attention for the reasons I stated above.

The two are compatible, they're both dynamic characters, and they have a lot of potential. They would most likely have a deeper understanding of each other, and I can see them having a very strong bond.

Are they soulmates? Probably not. But would they make a great couple? Absolutely.

Next up: Jilly 🧡❤️

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