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Hey guys, it's Mel.

If I'm going to be perfectly honest, I lost motivation for these analyses starting around the Drake chapter, and I'm honestly burnt out.

I lost motivation for three reasons:

1. As much as I love to write, schoolwork is, and always will be, my number one priority. My workload has gotten horrendous again, and I'm pretty stressed enough as it is.

2. I want to direct my focus (during my free time) to my current fanfic, My Guardian, and future fanfics that I can't wait to show y'all.

3. Everyone has their reasons for shipping what they want to ship. Some reasons may not qualify as legitimate reasons to other people, but if the reason you ship it makes sense to you, then it shouldn't matter what other people think.

I'm burnt out on analyzing ships, thinking deeply is mentally draining. I just want to watch the series and enjoy from now on instead of just analyzing every little detail in the plot, characters, and ships.

Thinking deeply is perfectly fine and it shows you look below the surface rather than making accusations based on paper thin arguments, but if you do it too much, it also has the capability to burn you out.

Humans are built to be inquisitive, it's in our nature, but we also tend to forget how to relax and just enjoy something lighthearted.

Even after losing motivation, looking at these ships was really interesting for me, I'm quite glad I did so.

After finding all the positives in each and every one I looked at, I could finally appreciate the ships more, whether I ship it or not.

It also reaffirms that every legal ship is valid.

People tend to have extremely strong opinions on topics like these, I know I certainly do.

But, looking at both sides of the coin per say can really help people understand the way others think.

Saying one ship is better than the other is pointless, everyone has their reasons for their preferences.

For this particular case, ship what you want and stay out of ship wars. Rosy and her VAs work hard to provide this high quality entertainment for us.

Because toxic shipping is a key element on what makes a fandom become toxic. And I don't want the TMF fandom to become toxic.

It should be a safe haven for those with different opinions on the shipping topic, as well as other topics. Even though shipping is a huge part in fandom culture, there's more to the series than just ships.

It really shouldn't matter what ships are endgame on The Music Freaks. Because no matter what we ship, we all enjoy it. Why else would we watch it?

I genuinely hope you all enjoyed this. Remaining objective was hard lol

Don't forget to stick around if you enjoy my content.

Have a great day everyone! Be a Zander, stay fabulous 😎

Analyzing Ships from Rosyclozy's: The Music Freaks Where stories live. Discover now