🧡The Crazy Duo❤️

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I. Overview :
Most people would consider their relationship more like a sibling-type relationship, however, there is a side to this ship that goes deeper than that.

Jake and Milly have similar personalities, they both struggled with being bullied, and they both want to feel like they belong somewhere.

And the last scene in episode three really proved how Jake has the potential to go through great lengths on her behalf.

The two are very compatible, and they already have a great friendship on-screen. And you gotta admit the two are adorable, together and respectively.

II. Relationship Potential :
Even though Jake has his own chaotic side he needs to work on, Milly is the more fiery and bold type between the two. In fact, he was the one who showed her that violence was not the answer to her problems.

Milly struggles with anger due to Zoey's harassment, and I feel like Jake would actually do a good job with helping her cope with it. He cares about other people, despite being kinda egotistical himself.

In other relationships Jake is involved with, he would usually be the one who would get the latter to open up and try new things. He wouldn't need to do this for Milly necessarily, since for the most part, the two seem to be on the same page.

So, because of this, communication wouldn't be a problem, especially since the two trust each other. As a result, they would have a solid and stable relationship. 

III. Overall Dynamic :
Even though I wouldn't consider Milly an idiot, Jilly kinda has that 'two idiots, one brain cell' vibe to it, mainly because they both act before they think.

For example, Jake impulsively joins the music club for Daisy so he would find the confidence to ask her out, or how Milly attacked Zoey for stealing her diary.

It was a horrible thing to do, since that's an invasion of privacy, but beating her up wouldn't solve the problem.

These events exhibit that kind of behavior. But, the final scene in episode three where they interact with each other independently from the music club, it really showed the best parts of themselves.

Even though for the most part their interactions in the series are more lighthearted and comedic for the most part, that scene proves that they not only have the ability to be serious, but they really can bring out the best in each other.

IV. Character and Relationship Development :
Milly and Jake are both pretty dynamic characters in the series, since they both have their struggles to overcome, they both have their flaws, and they both play a part in the story.

Like I mentioned in the Milliot analysis, Milly's anger is rooted in Zoey's harassment, she seemed like a nice girl when we saw the flashbacks in the episode three mv, and due to Zoey's bullying, Milly's behavior changed.

She became more emotionally closed off and violent as a result. Jake getting her diary page back showed that she could trust in others, and that she isn't alone.

Even though Jake is a little narcissistic and doesn't think things through, him blackmailing Zoey and retrieving Milly's diary page proves he cares about the music club, and doesn't have any intention to hurt them.

If you really think about it, Jake retrieving that diary page is a key event in the series. It proved that Jake sincerely cares about the music club and its members. He wouldn't have done this for anybody. Hailey began trusting him from this point forward for the rest of this series.

It helped Milly cope with her angry and violent tendencies and that she shouldn't feel ashamed for asking for help. Jake's actions are among the most important and the most impactful than anyone else's in the series.

That event alone caused Jake to begin building a stronger friendship with Hailey and Milly both, as well as helping Milly in the long run, and even going as far as building better relations with all the music club members as a whole. He helped one of their most valuable members and he earned the trust of the club president.

V. Final Thoughts:
Jake and Milly's friendship is amazing to watch on-screen, however, them being in a relationship would also be enjoyable to watch.

I say this a lot with other ships as well, but they are pretty compatible, they get along, they trust each other, and they bring out the best in each other, to put it simply.

And since the two are goofballs by nature, their relationship would be lighthearted and more relaxing, plus the two think similarly, so there should be minimal communication problems.

There isn't any incentive to change each other. They fit well together, and I personally can't wait to see how their relationship pans out in the end.

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