🧡Boy simps for girl, boy gets girl🌸

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I. Overview
The ship that defined Jake as a simp, then again...who wouldn't simp for Daisy? So I mean...can you blame him? Daisy is adorable, charming, and just seems like a genuinely sweet girl.

The fact that some fans want her dead, I will never understand why. Her kind and demure personality once again contrasts the personality of the confident and carefree protagonist, I guess people really like the opposites attract trope, it's a quality that a lot of ships tend to possess.

It's also not necessarily a bad thing, since it gives characters the opportunity to learn and grow in their relationship if they put the effort into it. Jaisy is no exception, and has plenty of potential.

II. Relationship Potential:
Daisy is level-headed and smart, like Hailey, she doesn't seem like the type that would just make a decision without looking at the possible consequences. So, she can definitely prevent Jake from making a stupid decision if they were a couple.

However, Daisy seems more willing to take risks if they're reasonable, even without Jake. So, in this particular situation, Daisy would end up getting the loose end of the deal.

But this is one of the few flaws of the relationship. Jake and Daisy seem to be more optimistic in general, while in most ships Jake or Daisy are a part of, they're the optimists of that pairing.

Studies have shown that if both individuals in a pairing are optimists, they tend to have a better relationship for the most part. Plus, Jake and Daisy would both be super supportive of each other's endeavours.

I get the feeling that if Jake and Daisy were a couple, Jake would be sorta clingy, especially since he's liked her for a long time. Daisy seems like the type who likes being in a relationship, but is also very independent (like all the female characters in the series).

The idea of someone being clingy wouldn't exactly make her happy, since she would probably want someone who would give her some space when she needs it. He wouldn't mean to be that way, but Daisy may not bring it up since she may be scared of hurting his feelings.

This particular problem can easily be solved with a mature conversation, so they would still have a strong relationship before and after this issue is solved.

III. Overall Dynamic:
Even though Jake interacts with Daisy less than other characters, she's the reason as to why he joined the music club in the first place. No Daisy, no series plot.

Plus, when they do interact in the series, they are adorable together (and this is coming from a Jailey shipper).

However, Jake needs to seriously pull himself together, he practically turns into a tomato every time he's around her. I'm very shocked that Daisy hasn't picked up on his feelings for her yet.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:
I disagree with the theory that Daisy is "evil", she genuinely just seems like a nice girl who didn't do anything wrong. She's kind, smart (in an academic sense, I personally think she's almost as oblivious as Jake is), logical, and innocent.

However, I can understand why some call her a "Mary Sue". Mainly because she's not a very dynamic character at the moment. She seems too perfect, almost flawless, like Luke actually for comparison.

She doesn't have clear motives for her actions, we haven't been introduced to her backstory yet, so for the most part, we have very little knowledge of her character.

She just seems like a love interest so far into the story, but since I personally adore her character, I do want to know more about her and hopefully we get the opportunity to in the future.

I do think Jake still has a big crush on Daisy at the moment, but I personally think as the series progresses, his feelings for her will begin to drift. and despite what many think, three to four episodes is enough to make things drastically change if it's written right.

It was obvious that he had strong feelings for her for the first four episodes, but episode five is most likely the beginning of the emotional shift for him. This is more of a theory than anything else, but future episodes may provide information that can prove or disprove this theory.

The biggest reasoning behind this is because at the beginning of episode five, the mere mention of Daisy's name would usually fluster Jake. When Drew stated that he was just joining the music club for Daisy, Jake seemed more reluctant to agree, even possibly question his motives.

Even if Jake doesn't develop a crush on someone else, it'll still show how Jake is beginning to accept himself for who he is and accept his passion for music he buried within himself for so long.

Other than the fact that Jake still likes Daisy a lot, they haven't had any significant interactions since episode one. So, we'll soon see what's in store for the two for the rest of the series.

V. Final Thoughts:
Jaisy is a lot like Jailey, except it would have a less dynamic female character in the pairing. I'm sure Daisy has her insecurities, just like Hailey does, but we haven't seen them be showcased in the series yet.

This ship will have more meaning once Daisy gets some sort of character development. But even without any significant character development, Daisy is the reason why the plot of the series is going the way it is, so she's still an important character, fans tend to forget this.

Metaphorically speaking, Daisy is a signpost in a path in Jake's life that leads him to accept himself for who he is. So even if Jake and Daisy don't wind up together in the end, you can't say she didn't make an impact on his life.

Next up: Seaisy 🌸🧹 (completely forgot to do this in the previous analysis lol)

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