💛Childhood Besties💜

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* written post-episode 5*

I. Overview:
Lander, the first official canon ship in The Music Freaks, and the most popular throughout the entire fandom. And it's totally understandable how it got so popular.

They're childhood best friends, they've been through a lot together, Zander's more sarcastic yet charismatic vibe reflects as well as compliment Luke's more calming personality, and that they're both adorable individually and together as a couple as well.

The ship's popularity skyrocketed after Luke's crush on Zander was confirmed in episode four, and got even more so after they officially started dating at the end of episode five. Who else wonders what their relationship will be like? 

II. Relationship Potential:
Out of all the characters Zander could've wound up with in the end, Luke is probably the best candidate and here's why.

They had a close knit friendship before the events of episode five that went way back. Luke is probably the only person Zander trusts unconditionally, since after years of friendship, he hasn't betrayed him from what we've seen. That type of trust is necessary for a good, healthy relationship.

From what's been revealed so far, Zander tends to lack trust towards most people out of fear of getting hurt, which is completely understandable. But he doesn't have that problem with Luke, so he feels more comfortable to be himself around him. And Zander being himself around him is what most likely got Luke to fall for him in the first place.

As well as their experiences together and growing up together, it's clear that they're a constant in each other's lives, even more than their own families. Due to their experiences together as well as a strong bond that has kept them together for years, it would seem that they're a match made in heaven.

III. Overall Dynamic:
Much like Jake and Hailey as an example, Zander and Luke are very different people individually but have some similarities. Zander is more cold and unattached, while Luke seems more open and trusting.

They're different but their personalities seem to definitely complement each other in an "opposites attract" aspect. As well as their most significant moments in the series were when they were with each other.

In episode four, when Zander and Luke were walking in the park together, Zander pushing Luke away is a defining moment that shows just how much he struggles with trust issues, because he pushed Luke away, of all people.

Their interactions tend to be the most emotional for the viewers to take in, making it interesting to watch.

IV. Character and Relationship Development:
Zander can be a bit to take. He can be stubborn, cold, untrusting, and his brutal honesty can be considered offensive. Although it's not out of malicious intent, that's just how he is.

His more cold unforgiving nature can be rooted in his childhood. It's seen that he was a shy, and possibly even sad, child until he became friends with Luke, but if he was sad when he was younger, the question is why. We don't know much about Zander's past except that he's stepsiblings with Hailey.

So, it's possible that one of parents either left his family or could've possibly died, this portion of his past is unexplored so far in the series. But even if it hasn't gone as far as the death of a family member, a divorce can emotionally scar someone, especially if it happened at a young age.

This emotional scarring could ultimately be the reason for his trust issues, out of fear of losing someone he's close to.

We also don't know much about Luke's character either other than the fact that he's kind, plays the drums, and is attracted to Zander. He seemed pretty outgoing as a kid and has a more intimidating side to him when he's angry.

In many ways, his character is almost perfect. A perfect gentleman, a perfect friend, a perfect boyfriend, so far into the series, we haven't seen his flaws. And I adore Luke just like everyone else, but the lack of character development for him is making him a flat character as a result.

In many ways, Zander is what's making their interactions interesting to watch, since he has flaws and more internal conflict.

Most of the growth seen in their relationship in fact comes from Zander. Him deciding to take a risk and get into a relationship with Luke shows how he's slowly but surely getting over his fears and lack of trust in others. Luke is there as a supportive friend, and later boyfriend, but him getting with Zander doesn't change him as a person.

So, I genuinely hope that Luke gets more character development before the series ends. He's charming and lovable, but his character isn't dynamic.

V. Final Thoughts:
Luke and Zander's interactions are some of the most entertaining ones in the series by far. We, the viewers, got some glimpses of their childhood and got to experience what's going on for them in the present.

And even if the "Childhood friends to lovers cliche" is overdone, their relationship was well-written. It shows how a strong bond and trust can strengthen people individually and together.

It also shows that if you're romantically involved with someone, it shows that the "friend" portion of the title boyfriend/girlfriend is in fact the most important part of the relationship.

Relationships that start off as friends usually tend to last longer and survive the rough times people go through in life. And since Lander is officially canon, I can't wait to see what's in store for their relationship in the future.

Next up: Jander 🍑🍇

A/N: Geez, it's been almost a month since I first posted the Jailey Analysis. Ah well, expect the analyses to come a little more frequently for now. Hope you enjoyed reading.

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