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The boys and me just sit in a circle on the stage as the guys with guns walk back and forth. 

Daniel: So how are we going to escape?

Me: Idk. You guys know about backstage exits don't you?

The BOYS: Yeah. 

Me: Then use those to escape but I can't leave these fans here alone. 

The Boys: You're right. They might kill them if we leave. I don't want anymore people dead. 

Me: Don't worry boys nothing's going to happen to you or anyone else. 

Then the leader dude comes back. 

Leader: You! I told you to fix them up not untie them. Tie them up quickly!

Me: No whatever you need to do they can be untied for! Plus what are they going to do you guys have the guns not us. 

Leader: Fine!The police want to make sure the boys are okay and not dead. But if you guys say anything other than that I will kill at least 10 more people. 

The Boys: We won't. We will only say what you want us to say. Just don't kill anyone else. 

The boys leave with the leader and a couple other guys while I wait on the stage for them. They come back with sadness written all over their faces. I just go up to each of them and hug them. They all hug back of course. I felt so bad for them because of the death, hostage situation, and ruined concert. 

Daniel's P.O.V. 

I thought it was all over! The guy was about to shoot when this girl screams or shouts something I couldn't make out. I was so overcome with fear I think I lost my hearing for a moment. Then this girl is brought up to the stage. She gets right in front of me so she'll take the blow. I was in awe I mean I knew our lime lights loved us but to give their own life for mine is beyond my comprehension. She then started arguing with the leader I'm guessing. Finally after like a good 5 minutes he walked off and she came to me and hugged me. I felt so loved. I thought I was going to die and maybe would have if it wasn't for her. She cleaned up the guys wounds then untied each of us. We were all talking to her when we went with the leader to talk on the phone. We told them that we were all right. But really we weren't. But we couldn't let the lime lights suffer. We came back to where that girl hugged each of us but we still don't know her name. 

Me: Hey we never got your name?

Mary: Mary. 

Me: Oh, so did you know?

Mary: Know about what?

Me: About baby Jesus your son.

She just smiled at that comment. 

Me: Thank you again. But why?

Zach: Yeah, why?

Mary: First of all you need to be alive to keep changing the world. It wouldn't have mattered if I died but if you guys died the whole world would have stopped literally. You change peoples lives everyday and you don't even know it. Me, I'm just a average girl. Plus you keep people positive and the world needs that. Without you the world would be different and not in a good way. I won't just sit back and let those guys kill you anyway knowing I could do something. If I'm being honest,even though I don't really know you guys and you don't really know me. I still consider you guys friends. Jesus was willing to take a bullet for anyone so why shouldn't I do the same. That's also why I got in front of you Daniel so I would get the bullet. Finally you guys all have something worth living for I mean jack you have a kid, Daniel the perfect girl and family, Zach the perfect girl and family, Jonah perfect girl and family, and Corbyn you have family and Christina. Me I've got a perfect guy for me and family but I would give it up. For you because you deserve to live more than I do. 

Me: .........................

The Other Boys: ...............................

I just got up and hugged her. What else could I do I mean I was speechless. The boys copied and we had a group hug as fans looked up at us. We split apart and sat back down. 

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