Old Flame

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Daniel's P.O.V. 

So me and Mary had the BEST DATE EVERRRRR!!!! I thought I had done good but it was like she knew for years. I had the best time. We ended up coming to her home at 8 pm. I said goodnight and left. I can't help but get butterflies as I think of everything. I went home and went to bed. The next day was too early. I just wanted to sleep in but no. I had to get up and go to the studio. I finally got up after Jack shouting in our for me to get up. I took a shower, got dressed, and went to the studio with the boys. The were all smiling the whole way there. I guess they must be in a good mood. ( WRONG! ) We go inside to all the boys quiet. They are never quiet. They're planning something. Suddenly we stop at the cozy room where we sit as we are either trying to write music or just sit and relax. 

Zach: So was it?

Me: Who you talking to?

Zach: You! ( smirk ) 

Me: WDYM! ( A/N What Do You Mean?

Zach: You know that little date you went on. 

Me: How do you know?

Jonah: It's no secret when we followed you to Mary's house. 

Me: Why would you do that. 

Corbyn: Well you've been secretive and coming back ate the past two weeks on the weekend. 

Me: So what does this have to do with you. ( questioning )

Jack: Well I knew you were going out but I just wanted to see where you guys were going this time. 

Me: Oh, so you followed us the whole way?

Jonah: Well if you mean to the art gallery then yes. After this we got bored and left. 

Corbyn: Which BTW you guys look so cute. I will totally ship you. What will you call your couple name though?

Me: I don't even know if Mary is thinking about being my girlfriend. Plus I want to take this slow because of the last time I went really quickly in a relationship. 

Jack: Oh yeah, sorry bro. 

I went out of the studio building and went to get a drink. The studio already had drinks but I needed time to myself. I walked into a near by Starbucks and ordered a cup of hot tea.  I then started to walk out of Starbucks after getting my order and found myself holding the door for my ex. Audrey Said thank you then realized who I was. When I was just beginning in the band I was dating Audrey until she cheated on me with a fake friend of mine. I thought he was my friend but of course I was wrong. She smiled at me then said this. 

Audrey: Hey Dani how are you doing. 

I didn't want her to think I still had anger towards her so I answered back. I wasn't angry anymore but was still hurt. 

Me: I'm great how about you?

Audrey: I'm good. But I'm single because me and Josh ( Daniel's fake friend ) found out we weren't the one for each other. 

Me: Oh, well I hope you find the one for you. 

Audrey: Anyway, what about you? Have you found someone. 

Me: Yeah, I did and she is really amazing. 

Audrey: Oh, and I'm so sorry about the whole shooting at your concert. That must have been the worst experience ever. 

Me: Well it was really scary but this girl saved my from getting shot. 

Audrey: Oh yeah, isn't her name Mary?

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