The Date

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Mary's P.O.V. 

I just met my family. Everyone was crying and laughing. They were all surprised at my famous hero save. I'm all over the news. In fact there's a video of me getting in front of Daniel and the other boys protecting them. Now every news castor and radio station is trying to get my story. It's overwhelming. Now I know what it's like being a celebrity. But I also enjoy it. Not in a arrogant way but humble way without being cocky. I just wish I deserved it. I think if I wasn't there another girl would have got in front of the boys. I only did what anyone else would have done. In fact, the police tried to give me a medal but I refused. That belongs to them. The police work harder than me trying to protect their country. I went to my room to get some peace in quiet when my phone ringed. I answered. 

Me: Hello?

?: Hey this is Mary right?

Me: Yeah can I help you?

?: Well you said you would go out with me.

Me: Daniel!?

Daniel: Yeah I was hoping this was the right number. 

Me: How did you get it?

Daniel: I have my ways. 

Me: Do you want to face time? 

Daniel: Yeah give me a sec. 

I gave him a minute then his cute glowing and smiling face came on my screen. 

Me: Hey how are you doing?

Daniel: Good, you?

Me: I'm doing better now that you called. 

Daniel: So we talked a little about your hobbies but what do you like to do. 

Me: Well I like this cute guy I'm going on a date with. He part of this big band I saved. I like the way he plays piano and cello. He's really kind and sweet. I guess we both like music, painting, nature, and relaxing. 

He just smiled as I said this. 

Daniel: Yeah so where do you want to go on your date?

Me: Well you see I let the gentleman choose the first date spot. Then we could alternate afterwards so it's fair. 

He smirked at this suggestion. 

Daniel: Well than I guess it will be a surprise. 

Me: Perfect. 

Daniel: I'm so sorry but I have to cut this call short. You see this girl I'm going on a date with saved my life and I have to spread her story to the world. 

Me: Don't you dare. I only did what was right like any other person would. Just say it was god. Because that's exactly who it was. 

Daniel: Okay got to go bye. 

Me: bye. 

He ended the call. I was ecstatic. I can't believe we're going on a date. I don't know what I did to deserve this but thank you god. 

Daniel showed up at my house that night at 8:00 pm. Everyone was in shock to b in his famous presence. I didn't tell anyone about our date so my mom of course had to be the most awkward and tell everyone my most embarrassing moments. I blushed so bad. Daniel couldn't stop laughing. He even saw me blush and just hugged me. Finally my family let us leave. I was so thankful to leave and get away from more embarrassing stories and blush hard moments. Daniel just laughed as I let out a sigh. 

Daniel: That was informative.

Me: That was embarrassing. 

Daniel: Come on that was cute. 

Me: No it was not! I'm so embarrassed. 

Daniel: It was cute to meet your family and learn about your childhood. 

Me: You haven't met my older brother yet. He will be the death of me. 

Daniel: I bet he will be the best big brother you had. 

Me: You wait and see. 

Daniel: Ready for our date?

Me: Yes, always!

Daniel drives us to who knows where. But what he didn't know is I have a cd of their music that I brought. I look out the window as he drives. Then I take out my cd and ask him. 

Me: Can we listen to a cd I brought. Then bring out my puppy dog eyes. 

Daniel: Sure. 

I smile and put in the cd. The first song is 8 letters. I just start singing as he smiles. Then I get silent at his part to see if he'll sing. He looks at me then starts singing his part as I sing the others. We sing until the cd stops. It seems we went through all the songs. I take the cd and put it back in it's case then smile over at Daniel. 

Daniel: You have a pretty voice. 

Me: Thank you but let's be honest your is way better. 

Daniel: Right. You wish and so do I. 

Me: Your going to make me blush. 

Daniel: Good! That makes you look cuter!

I blushed. Then put my hand on my face to hide it. 

Me: Look what you did you made me blush. 

Daniel: Then let me see it. 

I take my hand off and he smiles and smirks at my blush. I then turn and look out the window. I see the glorious sunset. It's pretty but it's only the beginning of setting. We drive close to a forest and Daniel gets out. Then he comes over and opens my door. I get out and thank him then see his surprise. There is blankets, pillows, food, and candles out on a bed spread. There were lights hanging above. It's view has the sunset perfect and then we could see the stars if we wanted to when they come out. 

Daniel: I hope you like it. * brings in breath *

Me: R U kidding me! I love it. How did you know. I love scenery. This is perfect. 

Daniel: * let's breath out * I guess we just think the same way. Or maybe you are my perfect match. 

Me: Maybe. * smirk *

Daniel: Do wanna eat?

Me: Yes please. 

Daniel packed a supper of fruit, veggies, sandwiches, water, and for dessert strawberry cheesecake. The whole time we smiled at each other and talked. This was my date and it was great. We didn't watch a movie which was great because we talked and I learned some new things about Daniel. Even though I knew a lot already I just couldn't help but listen. 

Daniel: So what's your goal of becoming a musician?

Me: I want to write music but also changed the world. I want to inspire others to do what they love. I even hope to create a school for future musicians like me. 

Daniel: That would be so awesome. 

We even stargazed for a while. We stayed out here til like 2:00 am. My family was already asleep but I didn't care. 

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