Another Date

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Daniel's P.O.V.  ( Next Morning )

I took Mary on a date alone. We talked and ate. It was great. She is so fascinating. She has such a big heart too. I just wanted to melt down in front of her but I had to play it cool. She was so cute. I though it was cute when she blushed as her mom went on about her embarrassing moments. I was so nervous about her family but they seemed pretty chill. I relaxed as me and her family talked. But then my nerves came back as I took Mary to my favorite spot to think and relax at. On my way she seemed to radiate pure happiness. She even put in one of my albums. She knew I knew my parts so I sang my part as she sang the other parts. She had such a beautiful voice. I was shocked how god could make such a pretty voice. God always amazes me. 

Jack: Daniel! Hello!

I came out of my deep thought quick to look up at a yelling Jack. He just smiled as he saw I was actually interacting with him now. 

Jack: What's up? You hadn't touched your breakfast and you just keep staring out the window. 

Me: Oh, I was just thinking. 

Jack: Hey also where were you last night? We wanted you to go with us to the mall but you wouldn't pick up your phone. 

Me: Oh I was on a date.

Jack: With who?

Me: Mary. 

Jack: You mean the one that saved us and you worried about not liking you?

Me: Yeah. 

Jack: So where did you take her?

Me: My hiding spot. 

Jack: Cool. 


I'm sorry I've got to take this. I pull up my phone to see Mary's name on the caller ID. 

Me: Hello?

Mary: Hey I wanted to thank you for the awesome date last night. 

Me: Sure anything for you. I'm glad you had a good time. 

Mary: Well I was wondering ..... * breathes in * If you would want to come over some time this week and I take you on a date?

Me: Yeah. That would be - be great. What day and time. 

Mary: * let's out breath * What times best for you?

Me: Um - um  - ahh - how about Friday at 9:00 am? 

Mary: That's great for me. Okay, thank you ttyl. 

Me: Okay bye. 

She hung up. This is when I start doing the I Don't Belong In This Club dance. I'm so happy. I hope Friday approaches fast. I have nothing to do so it's going to be fun. 

Mary's P.O.V. 

I just hung up. The date he took me on was amazing. I don't know how I can top it. Well the whole point of dating is to be yourself not who has the best date. But it was so amazing. It's like he knew what I liked. Well our date is going to have to involve dinner of course. I just really want to impress him. So I hope Friday comes a little slower so I can think of a good date plan. 

Time skip brought to you by Daniel Seavey's apple juice! 

It's Wednesday and I still have nothing. Wait let's think what does Daniel and you like. Well mostly Daniel. He likes food, scenery, painting, music, and family. Why don't we go to a art gallery, picnic at the park, then go on a hike. That's perfect. Can't wait til Friday. 

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