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"Mommy. Mommy."

I turned around to catch my 3 years old little boy in my arms who ran towards me.

"Hey kiddo." I said when I lift him in my arms. He kissed my cheek sloppily.

"Aditya. You will ruin mommy's make up." Priya entered the room. When I turned to look at her she was holding his bow tie. I chuckled to myself.

"But mommy looks pwweetty." He said. My heart melted at his cuteness. He turned his head towards Priya and she was feigning a mad look. "Shoooorry Mashhhiii." He apologized in a low tone. Priya walked to us and kissed his cheek which made him beamed to her in return.

“Your boy runs faster than I thought kri. I turned around for a second to grab his bow tie and boom he had sprinted in that mere second.”

I laughed. "Accept it. You are just getting old."

"We both know it's not true." She rolled her eyes and made Aditya wear his bow tie. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yes I am almost done." I answered her and she took Aditya from my hold so I could wear my pumps.

"Mumma. Everybody's is waiting for you." I heard rudrani walked in.

"Yes baby. Let me wear my shoes and we will be good to go."

I stood straight and looked at my 9 years old daughter whom we decided to name after her bua. She was standing there smiling at me. She definitely got her smile from his father. "Daddy told me to give you this." She said and handed me a note. I smiled knowing exactly what it is.

After our first date rudra made a habit of giving me a note every week on Monday with his feelings written on it. Sometimes it's a quote or just his thought or lyrics of some song. It's been 15 years to this habit of his but I still feel my heart swelling in happiness just as same as it did the 1st time.

I decided to read that note later because we will get more late if I read it now. Hence I put it in my purse.

Rudrani hugged me and I hugged her back and kissed her forehead. I saw a glint of hurt on her face which she was trying to hide.

"Baby what happened? Why are you looking sad." I asked. She smiled a little more for me.

"Nothing happened mumma." She replied and kissed my cheek.

Like father. Like daughter.

"Baby." I said in my stern tone and she gave in.

"Samar is not talking to me."

"That my idiot son. Don't worry rudrani. I will knock some sense in his fu......."

"Priyaaaa. There are kids in the room." I exclaimed. She sighed and walked to rudrani's side and draped her hand on her shoulder.

"Oops. Sorry. But not sorry. Samar needs to know how to behave nicely to a girl. And that too when that girl is a beautiful princess like our little rudrani. He is 12 years old for God's sake." She said and rudrani giggled in return.

"Please Masi. Beat him too from my side." Rudrani said and Priya saluted her. We all laughed.

"Do you like him princess?" I teased her and she blushed which made me and Priya chuckle. We both were aware about her big liking for samar. Samar too have a special soft spot for her but they are still young so we can't say anything about their future.

"No. I don't. He..he..he is my good friend." She stuttered. I decided to not tease her more because all guests have already arrived and waiting for me on the terrace.

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