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Italy was beautiful. I'd even picked up some of the language. Harry's album had been so successful and he'd been doing constant promotional things. We were in Italy promoting his upcoming tour.

I'd flown home last week to see Gram. She looked awful and she didn't recognize me at first. It was sad and it took a piece of me. I stayed two nights and told her how much I loved her. I showed her pictures from our adventures. I met with her nurses who told me nothing I didn't  already know. Then I got on a plane and met Harry in Italy.

Today was the last day we'd be here and I wasn't ready to go. This was my favorite place I'd been so far. I never wanted to leave.

"Where do we go next?" I asked Harry as he was packing his bag in the hotel room.

"Tokyo." He said.

"I wish we could stay here." I sighed looking up at the ceiling. "I love the people and the food."

He smiled as I laid back upside down on the bed looking up at him. He just watched me as he packed. Then he zipped the bag shut.

"Where do you want to go most?" He asked me.

"Anywhere with you." I smiled.

He shook his head making his long hair fall all over the place. "You're so cheesy."

"You love me anyway." I said.

"I do." He smiled leaning down to kiss me as I sat up.

My phone rang interrupting any moment we might have been having. "Hello?" I answered.

"Anna Marie Towns?"

"This is?"

"This is Nursing Supervisor Darcy with your grandmother's care provider." My heart dropped and she continued talking. "I'm sorry to inform you over the phone, but Susan passed away peacefully in her sleep. We tried your address but Emilia informed us you were abroad. I'm so sorry for your loss dear."

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Was she in pain? Did she show any signs she was going to go? I was just there last weekend."

"No she seemed quite happy. She talked about you all the time. My whole staff probably knows who you are from her. We all know how much you loved and cared for her." Darcy said. "I'll need you to make arrangements."

"Of course." I stood up and rushed around the room speed packing my things. "I'll be on the next flight to California."

I hung up and wiped my eyes. My heart was in a million pieces. I felt like my mind was running in a thousand directions at once.

"What happened?" Harry asked crouching in front of me. "Who was on the phone Anna?"

"It was a nurse. Gram's gone." I said feeling numb as the words left my lips. "I didn't get to say goodbye."

"Anna," Harry wrapped me in a bone crushing hug as we both cried. "We'll go in the morning. I'll call and get the flights changed."

"No, you have to go to Tokyo." I said. "You're job is in Tokyo."

"My heart is going to California so that's where I'll be." He said stubbornly. "We fight things together remember?"

I nodded. Harry had been big on fighting together ever since the bridge. He said it all the time. "We fight together."


California seemed darker when we landed. There was a gloom in the air as soon as I stepped off the plane. It reminded me of when I'd come with my parents to identify Paul.

"It's okay baby." Harry squeezed my hand.

I gave him a small smile. The man deserves a statue in his honor. I loved him more than words could explain. On the plane he'd fallen asleep and I just watched him like a creep thinking how lucky I was to have him with me. Luckiest girl in the world.

Emilia picked us up. She looked like she'd been crying as she hauled us both in for hugs. She told me that she'd called my parents and they'd be in tomorrow.

"Great." I faked a smile. "Thank you for calling them."

"I figured it was the least I could do." She smiled. "Let's get you to the house."

At the house Emilia told us she'd broken up with her boyfriend. Something about his ex not really being an ex. I guess he was living a separate life.

"That's horrible." I said realizing how fake I sounded as soon as it left my mouth. "I'm sorry, I'm just numb to everything right now."

"It's okay." Emilia hugged me. "I understand."

"Anna there's a gentleman at the door for you!" Harry called.

I stood up from the couch and headed that way. A man in a suit was at the door with Harry. I didn't know him so I stood a few feet back.

"Can I help you?" I asked not really in the mood.

"I'm Don, the executor of your grandma's will." He gave me a soft smile. "I'm sorry for your loss. Sue was a light in this world."

"Come in." I said. "Would you like anything to drink?"

He shook his head. "I won't be here long dear. I have a letter for you and a few things to sign."

I cocked my head. "Won't you need to speak to my father?"

He shook his head. "No need. I talked to him this morning."

It seemed odd, but what did I know. I lead him to the kitchen table and took a seat. Harry joined my side and Emilia started straightening the dishes.

"First things first I was to give you this." He handed me a sealed envelope with my name on it in Gram's writing.

"Do I read it now?" I asked. "I don't really want to cry in front of you."

He smiled. "You can read it whenever you like. The next order of business is the will."

"Okay?" I clasped my hands together on the table.

"Sue saw me a few days after you came here." He said. "Your dad isn't happy about this will but I'm telling you there's nothing he can do about it."

I nodded confused. "Okay?"

"Sue left you everything. I know the house and the car are already in your name, but I'm talking about everything else. All her assets are yours."

"What assets?" I asked.

"Sue had a large sum of money and jewelry in a deposit box that are now yours." He slid me a key. "There are two other cars and a boat in storage that are now yours. There is also the matter of the club?"

"Club?" I asked still stunned.

"Sue owns a club that used to be a speak easy she sang in back in the day. It's called Club Crystal and is very profitable."

"Mitch goes there all the time." Harry smiled rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Well it's yours now to do with as you wish, but she said she hopes that you keep it in all its glory." Don smiled.

I was stunned. "Oh my gosh."

"There's more." He said.


"There's the matter of her life insurance." He said sliding me a paper. "Her funeral is paid for and everything was prearranged. Your father will get ten thousand as he was told this morning. You're set to inherit the remaining fifty thousand."

"What!" I smacked the table.

He smiled. "Now would be a good time to read that letter."


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