Chapter 7

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“Kay. Wait!” What am I doing? Before I realize I add. “ Kiss me hard before you go, so I know I’ll see you back.” Well damn old Collin is back too not mincing his words at all. Somehow I start to like the old me.

 She turns her eyes and runs back to me and gives me a sweltering kiss. Even more warming then our first, well second kiss. Before I know she is already gone back to here room. I keep standing there for another minute astonished of what just happened. Allie not tripping at all because it was me she was writing to all the time, her soft lips on mine again and my thoughts about saying I love you for the first time in my life to someone.

 I decided to let it go and go also back to my room before it is to late. I let myself fall on my bed and strike through my hair while my other hand is muddling on my razor blade-shaped necklace thinking about my adjusted runaway plans now Allie is coming with me.

 Allie’s p.o.v

I drop myself on my bed dropping a huge sigh of relief along. I can still run away. I don’t know what is wrong with me I’m constantly smiling. What the hell is going on with me? I let the biggest creep ever kiss me without slapping him and I even kissed him when he asked. I don’t know what happened to me. I still feel the same but different that kiss had something but I don’t know what yet. I quickly fall asleep thinking of where the hell Collin and me could go when we run away, how we will get money and won’t be found. Maybe this plan was a bit too impulsive.

 “Pay attention Allie this is important.” I get shaken out of my little nap by an annoying voice and irritating ticking on my desk.

 “Yea whatever…” I turn myself around.

 “Oh young lady don’t act like this to your teacher! Go outside you!” she says blazing as she points me the door.

 “Well thanks I couldn’t sleep here cause of your stupid voice.” I grab my back and throw my chair away.

 “It is always the same with you!” She shouts at me as I walk through the door I know she’s about to cry that mentally unstable bitch. I turn my head and wave at her with the fakest smile I can make.


 After five minutes sitting in the corridor I’m already sick of it and decide to walk to the guy part. I’m going to have a smoke and tell myself to search Collins classroom after it.

 Collins p.o.v

Class is so boring. It’s even worse than ever. I’m trying to look like I pay attention so the teacher will not punish me for the thousandth time.

Suddenly Eric leans over to me. Pff what does that jerk need, another black eye? I’d give him one again with pleasure.

 “Hey, psst emo creep… What are you thinking about?” Oh how I hate that guy can’t he just shut up. “That Allie would want you? Hah. She is mine you know.” I decide to ignore the jerk but he keeps on going.

 “You know what she was saying last night? Oh…Eric…harder.” He tries to tease me faking moaning noises. I turn around: “ Shut up you bastard. We both know that isn’t true.” I keep myself calm and turn around again. I hear Eric laugh it away to not lose his face by his friends. If you can call those lap dogs that.

 Later on he throws a note on my desk. I unfold it and as I look at it I guess it should look like Allie giving him a blowjob. And I turn my head amazed.

 “Are you serious?” I see the douche smile on his face growing. “Fuck guy… I didn’t even know you had a dick… Leave alone Allie would suck it.” I say a lot louder than I expected and I hear the class laugh, for once with my joke and not Eric’s.

 “Oh… well she already did.” He tries to save himself.

 I jump up angry and hear the teacher call my name but I am not paying attention.

“Will you learn to show some fucking respect to people?” I silently yell at him. I make a move like I would hit him and he immediately turns his head away. “Hah you fucking coward” I spit as I throw his desk away.

 “Yea mister I know, there is the door” I tell the teacher raising my hand towards him.
I grab my bag while whispering in Eric’s ear: “Besides she is a good kisser.” His mouth falls open as I leave the room before the teacher could say my name a second time.

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