Chapter 3

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Hugo followed Sofia's advice and it worked and became friends with Prince James and Prince Zandar and they ask for his friend to come to flying derby practice today.

Hugo quickly changed into his flying derby clothes and comes in the guest room and sees Sofia making his shoes and slippers and multitasking. Hugo asked as she was singing to herself and her animal friends, "Sofia." Sofia jumped turned around and said, "Oh hello Prince Hugo." "I thought you had flying derby practice after school every day." Hugo replied, "Yes I do but my new friends want to meet you." Sofia gasped softly and said, "My advice worked didn't it?" Hugo nodded. Sofia said, "Okay let me just get this." She takes a hood from her bag. Sofia asked, "Prince Hugo can I bring my animal friends, Clover, Whatnaught, Mia and Robin?" Hugo smiled, "Of course you can."

Sofia took a bag full of books and asked her animal friends to follow her and get into the coach. Sofia sits opposite Prince Hugo. When they go to the stables Hugo says, "Wait here I'll go get my friends." Sofia nodded and went to stables and let her animal friends explore while she looked at a lavender flying horse called Minimus. She decided to do the flying derby course with permission from Sir Gilliam. She did the Flying Derby course in record time with Minimus. She got off Minimus and saw Hugo and his friends clapping and whistling. Hugo and his friends went up to her. Even Sir Gilliam was impressed and came up to her.

Hugo exclaimed, "That was amazing!" "I didn't know you did flying derby." Sofia shook her head and said, "No I didn't do flying derby in the village but I've read about team plays and sports." James said, "Well that was incredible you should tryout for the flying derby race next week." Sofia said, "I'm his shoemaker so no I'm just a village girl." James introduced himself and Zandar, "Excuse me for being so rude. "I forgot to introduce myself and my friend." "I'm Prince James of Enchancia and this is Prince Zandar of Tangu." Sofia curtsied, "Pleased to make your acquaintance Prince James of Enchancia and Prince Zandar of Tangu." She was having a small conversation with them about sports and etc.

Until Princess Amber and Princess Hildegard and Princess Clio came in their conversation. Princess Amber asked, "Who's this?" Hugo replied, "My shoemaker and my friend Sofia."
Clio said, "Your friend?" "Well pleased to meet you Sofía." The two girls started having a conversation with her and asked whether she could come next flying derby practice and play sports with all of them of course she said yes everyone was happy but Hildegard.

Hildegard started flirting with Hugo in front of Sofia. Which was making Sofia uncomfortable for some reason she quickly got her bag of books and went to the nearest tree she could find and read. Hugo said, "Sofia wait!" He quickly ran to her but lost her he kept on running until he found a big oak tree and sat by himself and said out of breath, "Sofia where are you?"

Not realising he was at the same tree as Sofia was talking and reading to her animal friends. He suddenly Sofia's voice. Sofia said, "I know Clover." "I know I should know better to run off like that." Hugo stood up and saw Sofia with a book and talking to her friends. Hugo said, "Sofia, you alright?" Sofia flinched and said, "Yes Prince Hugo I'm alright just seeing that princess flirt with you made me uncomfortable since no one flirts in front of me or talks to me for that matter." Sofia closed her book and said, "I'll see you in the coach." And she quickly ran to the coach.

Hugo ran to his friends and asked, "So what do you think of my friend?" Zandar and James smirked at each other and James said, "She's cute can I go out with her?" Messing with Hugo. Hugo said, "No she probably doesn't have much time in her life to have a boyfriend Jimmy I mean she helps her mum in the shoe shop, she does school work and homework and extra work to paid for her lunch, she also doesn't have many friends." Zandar said, "We didn't know she seems such a nice girl why wouldn't anyone want to be friends with her?" Hugo explained her life story to his friends and the princesses. After he finished, Zandar asked, "So dude do you have a crush on your shoemaker or girl who's a friend?" Hugo turned red and nodded. His friends started teasing him which made him happy.

He quickly went to the coach and talked to Sofia. Hugo asked, "So what do you think of my friends?" Sofia stayed silent and said, "They're nice." Which is all she said. Hugo asked, "So are you going to at my flying derby practice tomorrow?" "And do sports with my friends?" Sofia nodded still out looking out to the view. Sofia and Hugo went back to the castle and Sofia started working on the his shoes and his slippers.

When she was working his slippers. Hugo came back to her room and asked, "Hey about you come join us in a game of Dazzleball with me, Ax and my Dad?" Sofia snapped, "Sorry Prince Hugo but I'm busy doing your shoes so how about you don't ask me that again and shall I go to back to your shoes." Hugo pleaded, "Please Sofia." "Pretty please."Pretty pretty please." Sofia asked annoyed, "Ugh, you not going to stop begging until I say yes right?" Hugo nodded his head vigorously. Sofia sighed, "Fine." "I'm coming."

Hugo took his hand out and Sofia took his hand. They played Dazzleball until it was dinner time. Hugo asked, "Hey Sofia would you like have dinner with me and my family tonight?" Sofia shook her head and said, "I don't want interrupt the king and queen." King Garrick said boisterously, "Oh you won't be disturbing us!" "Come join us!" Sofia wanted to decline but she knew it would be rude to decline the king of Albuquerque.

So she sat down with the royal family of Albuquerque. The family was her questions about her family and her life but she didn't want to answer any questions so she stayed and finished her the dinner and quickly to her room and changed into a nightgown and wrote a letter to mum, she was talking to her animal friends until she got a knock at her door.

Sofia asked, "Who is it?" Hugo answered, "It's Prince Hugo and Prince Axel." Sofia said, "Come in." They came in with a tent and put it on the floor and games. Sofia asked confused, "Why do we need that?" Axel replied, "Well since we know you've only had sleepovers with your mum and you cute animal friends." "We thought since you going to here a while why not have a sleepover to get to know you better." Sofia said, "Okay coming I just need to get a book." Axel and Hugo nodded for okay. They were up all night doing jokes. Sofia did a lot of mum jokes, she thought they'd hate but they loved it and laughed so much. They also played a lot of games.

To finish off the night they read books. Axel asked Sofia a lot of book questions and she answered all of them. While they were reading, Sofia's eyes became heavy and tired. She was too tired that her head landed on Hugo's shoulder. Hugo himself was shocked and jumped a bit but blushed and let her sleep. Axel whispered, "So how was flying derby practice?" Hugo whispered softly, "Great my friends loved her." "Including the princesses expect Hildegard." Axel rolled his eyes when his baby brother said Hildegard. Axel whispered, "So do you like her?" Hugo laughed quietly and whispered, "Do you believe love at first sight?" Axel whispered, "Yes." Hugo whispered, "She's different from other girls I've met." Axel agreed and went to sleep. Hugo eventually went to sleep and put Sofia on her pillow gently.

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