Chapter 15

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It was the night of her ball. When she was going to the ballroom, she passed Amber's room and hear Amber crying.

Sofia knocked on her door, she hear a come in. She came in and saw Amber, Sofia asked, "What's wrong Amber?" Amber exclaimed, "Everything!" "My tiara that matched with my gown is missing and my gown has a big rip in it and my hair is a mess!" Sofia said, "It's okay Amber, I might have a tiara that matches and I can sew your dress up and you can brush your hair."

Sofia ran out of her room so she could get her sewing kit. She sewed Amber's dress right now the way it was before it got ripped and she got a tiara as promised while Amber brushed her hair. Sofia said, "There all done!" Amber stood up and went to the mirror and thanked, "You can't even tell it's ripped thanks Sofia." "Now come on there's a ball being thrown in your honour!" Sofia giggled and walked out with Amber.

Sofia was at the golden doors waiting for her name to be announced. She knew the whole school had come and the Tri-Kingdoms area basically came to see her royal debut. Baileywick shouted, "Presenting for the very first time Princess Sofia of Enchancia!" The guards opened the doors and she smiled and curtsied as everyone clapped until she was at the bottom of the stairs.

Roland came up to his daughter and asked, "May I have this dance Sofia?" Sofia took her hand and started waltzing gracefully during their waltz Roland stepped on Sofia's toes. Sofia winced, "Ow." Roland apologised, "Sorry I'm the best dancer, I didn't pay much attention in Professor Popov's class but you dance wonderfully." Sofia laughed, "Thank you your majesty." "I mean Dad." "I had some help from Prince Hugo." Roland smiled brightly and then James asked mum to dance and Sofia and Roland soon made their to Amber and Amber took her hand and her dad's. Pretty soon James and Miranda bumped into the trio and they started dancing together as one big happy family.

Roland before going for with Miranda teased, "Sofia don't leave the dance floor yet." "There's a certain Prince that wants to ask you to dance." Leaving Sofia confused until she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Hugo. Hugo bowed and offered his hand, "May I have this dance Princess?" Sofia chuckled, "Gladly." Hugo compliment shyly, "You look gorgeous." Sofia joked, "Thanks you don't look bad yourself hotshot." "I mean you look handsome." Hugo said shyly, "Thanks."

Both of them were oblivious to the comments that everyone else in the ballroom, like was, "oh they look so cute together!" "Look at those two!" "Aww look at them!" Hugo dipped me and I started laughing. "What's gotten you into a state like this?" He asked started laughing a bit but with a perplex face. "Oh it's nothing, just I never seen you act like this."I responded. After Sofia danced with a couple of princes she went to balcony.

Hugo went to the balcony to get fresh air and saw Sofia. He said, "Oh hey Sofia." She replied, "Hey Hugo you enjoying the ball?" Hugo answered, "Yeah it's fun why are you out here?" Sofia replied, "Just observing the night why are you out?" Hugo said, "Just wanted to get some fresh air." There was silence while they looked at the stars twinkling in the sky.

Hugo said, "I have something for you." "It's a thank you gift." Sofia asked, "A thank you gift why what for?" Hugo said, "For everything you've done for me." Hugo got out the box with the charm bracelet. He opened it and Sofia's eyes sparkled when she saw the bracelet. Sofia took the bracelet out and put it on her wrist, she whispered, "Hugo I love it." She hugged Hugo.

Soon Hugo and Sofia went to the garden to get away from the ball. Sofia said, "I have something to show you." "Follow me." Sofia took him to her secret garden. They spoke for a good half hour, Sofia was getting ready to go back to the ball until Hugo picked a rose that already blossomed opened. Hugo said, "Sof wait please."  "And close your eyes." Sofia waited and closed her eyes. Hugo was in front of her with the rose in his hand and he put it behind her ear. Hugo said sweetly, "Okay you open your eyes now." Sofia open her eyes and saw her reflection in Hugo's eyes and saw the rose.

Sofia hugged him again and smiled, "Thank you Hugo for the rose." Hugo hugged her back and smiled, "I like you." "Like I really really like you Sofia." Sofia realised what he just said and blushed, "O-oh." Sofia asked looking down, "What do you like about me?" "I mean I already said what I like about you in a game and I meant it." Hugo said, "You give good advice, you look on the bright side, you welling to give people a second chance, you're kind, caring, selfless, beautiful, your motivation and smile just makes me want to smile more and makes me nervous around you sometimes." Sofia put her chin on his shoulder and mumbled, "I like you too." "The same way in fact."

Sofia and Hugo gazed into each other's eyes and kissed softly. Hugo asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Sofia hugged him, Sofia said shyly, "Yes." Sofia said, "I love you." Hugo smiled sweetly, "I love you too." Hugo saw Sofia shivering and put his jacket on her. They embraced. And they went back inside.

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