Chapter 8

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A few weeks later, Roland and Miranda had their wedding together with their kids.

Miranda was waiting for Sofia since the royal coach was waiting for them to get them to palace since they are going to live there now. Miranda shouted, "Sofia you coming?" Sofia replied loudly, "Coming mum!"
Sofia come out of their shoe shop and locked it. She went into the coach with her mum.

Sofia asked, "Mum do you think people will like me as a princess?" Miranda replied, "Of course especially Roland says he is excited about having a new daughter." Sofia asked, "Can I still go to the village library once or twice a week?" "Please mum I'll just read the books or maybe two or three." Miranda said, "Oh of course you can still visit the village library but you will have to careful since Jade might want to punch you like she did when she almost beat up when you were kids." "And make you have a black eye that stings and lasts for a week or month." Sofia said, "Don't worry mum I'll be careful." Sofia asked, "What will our room look like?" Miranda said excitedly, "Sofia since we are going to live the castle now." "You're going to have your room." Miranda and Sofia squealed, "Yes!"

Miranda came out of the coach first and then Sofia. As doves flew over the crowds and put the tiara on her head. Sofia smiled nervously, then Miranda and Sofia walked in between the crowd and went to see their new family. James joked, "Oh no, looks like someone isn't going to the fairest in the land anymore." Amber said, "Oh James, me and Sofia can both share a title and be the popular princess I don't mind." "I'll even introduce to some of my friends at school so it will help her fit in." Roland told his kids, "I want to sure you will make your new sister feel welcome." Amber fanned her fan, "Yes Daddy." James said, "Sure dad." Sofia curtsied, "Your majesty." Miranda curtsied, "King Roland the II." King Roland said, "Queen Miranda." As he kissed her hand and took her off leaving the kids to know each other.

Sofia said, "Good marrow James and Amber." Amber and James said in unison, "Good marrow Sofia." Miranda came up to Amber and James, Miranda said, "Amber, James I made these for you." She gave them badges with the family crest on it. James said, "Hey it's our family crest." Miranda chuckled, "Yes and this is all about family James." Roland welcomed, "Welcome to the family Sofia." Sofia smiled.

Baileywick said, "All hail Queen Miranda and Princess Sofia!" As Miranda and Sofia curtsied. Cedric did a spell that was meant send roses petals in the sky but instead of roses he did rain. Roland said, "Cedric I said flowers not showers." Cedric apologised, "Excuse me your majesty just getting the hang of my new wand." Roland explained to Sofia and Miranda that he is their royal sorcerer and has come from a long line of them. Soon the spell worked and rose petals came out of the sky. Soon the royal family went inside the castle. Amber saw Sofia's nervous face. Amber reassured, "Don't worry Sofia you'll be fine, you have me, James, Daddy and your mum." Then she went to dinner leaving Sofia in her thoughts.

Sofia saw the castle staff getting her mum's and her throne, she so lost in thought by this that Mr Cedric bumped into her. Cedric said, "Child watch where are you going." Sofia gasped, "Are you Mr Cedric?" "The royal sorcerer." Cedric annoyed, "Yes I am." Sofia praised, "That flower spell you did was impressive I've never seen such magic." Mr Cedric said, "Well I better be gone." Then he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Sofia asked, "Mr Cedric?" Baileywick cleared his throat saying, "Hello Princess Sofia." "I'm Baileywick the castle steward and I make sure everything and everyone is where it should be." "And right now you should be dinner with your family in the banquet room about 30 seconds ago." Sofia said, "Right." "Thank you Baileywick."

Sofia went off to the banquet room and sat next to James who was stuffing food in his mouth while Amber ate with a knife and fork with her. Sofia didn't read books on how to be a Princess. So she picked up the forks and looked at them. Roland said, "Sofia." Sofia jumped and made the forks go out of her hands and she said calmly, "Yes your majesty." Roland asked, "Please call me Roland, or you with the crown or Dad." Sofia smiled. Roland continued, "It's tradition to welcome a new member of the family." "For your mother it was our wedding." "For you a royal ball at the end of the week or month." James said with food in his mouth, "Brilliant." Baileywick said, "James manners." James apologised, "Sorry." Roland explained to Sofia, "This will be your royal debut ball and will everyone in the kingdom now that Princess Sofia has arrived." "And you and I will dance to the royal waltz." Sofia gulped nervously, "I have to dance in front of dukes, duchesses, princes, princess, kings and queens." Miranda cooed, "Oh Rollie that's so sweet." Roland said, "What a better way to let the Tri-Kingdoms area know that Princess Sofia has arrived."

Baileywick lead Sofia to her room. When Baileywick leaves her. She sings I'm not ready to be princess. And tries to find her mum's room.

Sofia not noble name
Sofia even my wave is lame
I'm not ready to be a princess.

Miranda opens her door to find Sofia. Miranda said, "Sofia." Sofia looked up and said, "Oh Mum." And hugged her mum. Miranda and Sofia talked about how she didn't want a royal ball. Miranda cheered her up as always. Roland said, Sofia "I have something for you consider it as a welcome gift." And he showed her a beautiful purple amulet that matched her dress. Sofia whispered, "It's beautiful." Roland said, "It's a very special amulet and you have to promise to never take it off." Sofia promised and went back to her room so she can get ready for Royal Prep in the morning until she bumped into Mr Cedric again. When she went off Cedric looked around his workshop for a book that had the amulet in. He plans to take from the princess without her noticing. Meanwhile back in Sofia's room she was staring at the window getting ready for bed. She ended up sleeping on the window sit.

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