Chapter 5

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Sofia finished the slippers and shoes and the trainers for her friends. She was now packing up to go back to the village.

Hugo was going to Sofia's room since he had a little thank you gift for her. He went into her room and he saw her packing her bags. Hugo asked, "What are you doing?" Sofia explained, "I'm finished with your slippers and shoes so meaning I can go back home now." "Here you go." She said she gave his slippers and shoes. Hugo gave her a mischievous smile to her, she looked at him and asked, "What's that look for?" Hugo said, "I'm sorry what look?" Sofia said, "That smile it looks like you're up to no good Hugo." Hugo didn't even know he was smiling like an idiot. Hugo suggested, "Well you can't leave yet because you promised Hildegard a volleyball game and we need to see if the slippers fit." "Let's go to the throne room and see if they are perfect fit." Sofia said, "Okay fine." "Let me the foot stool so you can put your feet on there."

They went to the throne and Hugo sat down on his throne while Sofia got the slippers and stool under his feet. Sofia slipped one of his slippers on and looked at him, agreed, "A perfect fit." Hugo said as gazing into her eyes acknowledging, "Yes it is." Little did they know that Hugo's mum, dad and brother and some of castle staff were watching them. Both of them got lost into each other's eyes. Sofia was getting lost in Hugo's emerald eyes while Hugo got lost in Sofia's crystal blue eyes. They was silence between them until Sofia broke it, Sofia cleared her throat and said, "Well we should be going to Royal Prep since your friends will be waiting for us." Hugo nodded and put her gift in his pocket.

They went to Royal Prep and waited for the girls to come. Amber said, "We're here!" James said, "About time Amber." Amber said, "Oh shut it James we want to make a good impression on our new little sister." Sofia asked confused, "What do you mean Amber?"
Amber squealed, "Because our dad and your mum are going to get engaged or even better married!" Sofia asked, "Is dad's name Roland by any chance?" Amber nodded and smiled, "Yep King Roland the II of Enchancia the village you live in that's ruled by our dad." Sofia was shocked and happy because she's always wanted to have an older brother and sister.

Anyway they soon started the volleyball game and Hildegard asked, "Should we hit the ball hard towards Sofia you know to get Hugo away from her." Amber scolded, "Hildy I know you're jealous that Hugo likes her more but she probably going to be little sister so I want her to be happy because she's had a hard time making friends in the village besides she didn't do anything wrong." Clio said, "Yeah she's had a hard life between losing her dad when she was." "Her own village finding her as the odd one." "Can you just try to be civil?" Hildegard wasn't listening to them and decided to go through her plan anyway knowing she already hurt Sofia emotionally. The boys were on one team with Sofia and the girls were on the other. Every time Sofia hit the ball towards Hildegard, she would hit back harder and hit Sofia on the arm with ball. Hugo suggested they stop but Hildegard continued. Hugo was concerned about Sofia because she was getting hit by the volleyball in the arm.

When Hildegard hit the ball again but this time the ball hit on Sofia's head. Hugo shouted, "Stop!" Hildegard stopped. Hugo ran to Sofia who was trying standing up since she got hit by the ball so many times. Hugo whispered, "You okay?" Sofia said, "Yeah, just dizzy and my head hurts but I'm fine." Hugo turned around as he put a hand on Sofia's shoulder making sure she stayed standing up and asked, "Maybe we should take a break?" All of his friends agreed. Sofia sat down on the bench away from everyone else. They all sat down on the grass. They sat in comfortable silence until Hildegard joined. Hugo decided to check whether Sofia was okay he went to her bench. He went to her oak tree.

Sofia was talking to her friends about Hildegard. Clover, Whatnaught, Mia and Robin decided to ask their friends to help cheer her up. And they took some Prince's cape and hat and they wore. Sofia giggled and said jokedly, "Well hello you dashing Prince." "May I have this first dance?" As she was dancing with her friends who were under the cape and hat she didn't see Hugo behind her watching her dance gracefully.
She started to sing.

I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once
Upon a dream

But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once
Upon a dream

She twirled around and found herself getting lost in the song and dance. Hugo found himself joining in and took her hand and started singing.

The way you did once

Sofia opened her eyes and smiled and sung along with him.

(Hugo and Sofia)
Upon a dream
I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way I did once
Upon a dream

When they finished, they both laughed. Hugo said, "I didn't the Princess sang." Sofia said, "I do but I don't." Sofia and Hugo went back to the castle and she packed up and before she went to the carriage. She thanked the royal family for letting her stay here for a while. Then she turned to Hugo, Sofia chuckled, "I would say goodbye but after what Amber said to me." "I think it's more of a see you later." Hugo agreed "Yep." They hugged each other tightly and Hugo kissed her cheek which made her blush. Sofia said, "We'll write to each other okay?" Hugo nodded. Sofia before leaving kissed Hugo on the cheek and waved. Hugo said, "Bye Sof."

Then he went back inside smiling or grinning like a lovesick idiot. Hugo went to the guest room Sofia stayed him and saw a note with a bag of boxes on the bed. It read, "these trainers are for you and your friends and your family hope you like them I added a bit of your and theirs signature style in the trainers." "Love Sofia." He gave the trainers to them and they all loved it. And they said, thank Sofia the next time you see her.

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