Chapter 14

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On Saturday night, the gang decided to have a sleepover.

Amber suggested, "How about we play truth or dare?"
Zandar said, "I'm up!" Vivian said, "Sure why not."
Sofia didn't really care that much since she rested her head on Hugo's lap and she was getting tired but played truth or Dare anyway. Zandar started, "Desmond truth or Dare?" Desmond said, "Truth."
Zandar asked, "Is it true you like Amber?" Desmond said shyly, "Yes." Amber blushed.

Amber said, "Sofia truth or Dare?" Sofia said tiredly, "Truth." "Let's get mine over and done with. So I go to sleep please."
Amber smirked, "What do you like about Hugo?" Sofia looked at Hugo and said, "He's nice, comforting friend, protective when he wants to be, funny, fun to be around, makes me laugh, helpful and oh okay, handsome, charming and cute." She yawned once more before she went to sleep. Hugo tried to fight back the blush form embarrassment but it betrayed him.

James asked, "Hugo truth or Dare?" Hugo said without hesitation, "Dare." James and Amber smirked and glanced at each other. James said, "I dare you to kiss Sofia on cheek while she's asleep." Hugo shrugged trying to play it cool, "Okay." He leaned down and kissed her cheek and he had to admit he felt good. After he did the dare, he decided to make Sofia more comfortable on his lap and pulled her in closer. Before they continued the game. Hildegard apologised sincerely, "Hugo, Sofia even though you're asleep." "I'm sorry what Sabrina might've done to you." Hugo said, "It's okay Hildy I mean it's good to know that you're just interested in me and not madly in love with me." Hildegard smirked, "I already know which princess has your heart Hugo." Everyone started  smirking and laughing when they saw Hugo's red embarrassed face.

The next day before lunch, Sofia decided to go to the village library but before she could even reach the library. She was approached by Jade who punched her in the eye hard causing her to have a black eye. Jade smirked, "Hey princess what brings you to the village." Sofia stood up and said, "Jade stop wasting your time with me." "You make the whole village think I'm the odd one but Ruby didn't want her two best friends fighting." Jade was speechless because Sofia was actually standing up for herself instead of saying something. She punched her harder in the eye again to make the black eye sting and longer.

Sofia said calmly, "Jade, we were friends once then after my dad died. You started making everyone turn on me even though I didn't do anything wrong." "Me and Ruby are on and off as friends only because our mums are friends that's why we sometimes talk." "Jade just talk to me." "I'm welling to give you a second chance." Jade put her fist down shook hands with Sofia. Jade explained she was always jealous of how smart Sofia was and when her dad died she figured why everyone would like Sofia even more and that's why and when she started making fun of Sofia. Before Sofia went to library, her and Jade went to Ruby's house and spoke about everything and catched up on last 8 years they haven't been together.

Sofia went to the library and came back home for lunch. Her friends were standing for lunch and then going to back their castles to het ready for the ball. Sofia didn't want Hugo and everyone else to worry about her black eye so she tried to hide it with foundation it was quite hard considering it still stings. Someone knocked on her door, Sofia asked, "Who is it?" Hugo replied, "It's Hugo can I come in?" Sofia quickly put her foundation and makeup away and jumped on her bed with her book and read the a random page.

Sofia said, "Sure come in!" Hugo came in and saw her reading. He smiled, "Hey you hungry it's lunch." Sofia hid her right eye with her hair and said, "Yeah sure come on." She ran out of her room, which made him suspicious. During lunch Sofia was acting odd to Hugo and she was the first person to finish her lunch.

Before he went back home, he wanted to check on Sofia. He knocked on her door. He heard a  muffled come in, when he came in, he saw Sofia with a black eye reading a book.

Hugo stared at her with disbelief, Hugo asked, "How did you get a black eye?" Sofia frowned sightly, "When I went to the village library."  "I bumped into Jade and she punched me in the eye twice." "But don't worry we sorted out our differences and we're friends now."Hugo said, "Come on let's get you some remedy for that eye." "Actually wait here I'll get the remedy and you stay here." Sofia nodded. Hugo came back in 10 minutes with remedy and something to dab the redeem with on her eye. Hugo dabbed it on her eye. Sofia winced, Hugo asked with a concerned voice,  "Does it hurt that much?" Sofia joked, "No carry on my knight in shining armour."  Hugo smiled warmly rolling his eyes, "As you wish."He carried on dabbing her eye with utmost care until the mark wasn't there anymore. He hugged Sofia before he left to get ready for her royal debut ball.

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