Chapter 4

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The next day after school Sofia went to see Hugo's flying derby practice and get to spend time with his friends to get them know them better.

Amber shouted, "Sofia!" Sofia jumped a bit and smiled, "Hello Princess Amber and Princess Clio.""What brings you to flying derby practice?" Clio said, "Well we were going to ask you if you wanted to have a tea party with us after you've been to Hugo's flying derby practice?" Sofia said, "Oh I love too." "But I promised Prince Hugo I would do some sports with his friends." As she saw Hugo, Zandar and James walking up to her. Hugo asked, "Hey Sofia you ready?" Sofia said, "Umm, Prince Hugo I think I would have to join you boys let's in an hour because I'm going to have a tea party with the girls." "If you don't mind." Hugo said, "No I don't mind at all go on have fun you deserve some more with my princess friends." Sofia exclaimed, "Thank you Prince Hugo!" And she kissed his cheek and left with the other princesses.

Hugo whispered softly to himself and blushed, "You're welcome Sofia." Hildegard saw all of this and decided to scare off Sofia away from her friends and Hugo with a snake. Hugo decided to see how Sofia was doing. So he looked from a far without her noticing.

Meanwhile during the tea party which was going surprisingly well for Sofia. Hildegard decided to let the snake out. The whole cafeteria screamed expect Sofia to her surprise. Sofia said quietly, "Shh everyone this isn't a poisonous snake don't worry." "It's a milk snake." "They're not poisonous nor are they deadly." She said as she got the snake around her neck without any effort. Everyone applauded her bravery. While Hildegard was disgusted and became more jealous.

Vivian asked, "How do you know so much about snakes?" Sofia started, "I've read about snakes in books and—." Being cut off by Hildy. Hildegard said rudely, "Yeah of course you get that knowledge from a book you bookworm!" "What else did you get knowledge from?" "What another book because you're such a geek and nerd and bookworm all rolled up in one!" Hildegard started laughing while everyone around stayed silent. Sofia just stayed silent of course she's been called the odd one all her life and that doesn't bother her but this did.

Sofia turned around and said to Amber and Clio, "I'm going to take this snake back in the forest." Then she went to the door where she saw Hugo. She ran out quickly too embarrassed to face him. James and Zandar came in and heard everything they were disappointed and disgusted by Hildegard's behaviour.

Hugo was mad and shouted, "Princess Hildegard how can you find this funny?!" Hildegard stopped laughing and looked around the cafeteria and everyone was giving her dirty looks and annoyed looks even Amber and Clio who were supposed to be her friends. Hildegard said, "So what?" "It was funny." "I don't get why I don't see anyone else laughing." Hugo yelled, "No it wasn't funny you hurt her feelings." "Just because you're a princess doesn't mean you get to treat her with such disrespect!" Hildegard said, "So what?" "She doesn't belong here." "She's just someone who is very lonely and has a lot of knowledge and she's just a mere peasant who works in a shoe shop." "I don't get what you see her." Hugo said, "It doesn't where or who she is." "And matter of fact I see a lot in her more than I see in you."

Then he ran off to find Sofia. The girls and his friends followed him. Hildegard was suspended for bullying Sofia from Miss Flora for a week.

Hugo and his friends looked everywhere for Sofia. Hugo was about to give up on finding her until he heard crying, behind the big oak tree. His friends followed him even some princesses and princes he or Sofia wasn't friends with yet.

Hugo saw Sofia crying her eyes out and talking to the animals of the forest and her animal friends. Sofia sobbed, "Maybe Hildegard is right maybe I just don't belong anywhere." "Not if my own village." Hugo tapped her shoulder and she turned around slowly. When she saw him. She quickly wiped her tears away and she said, "Oh hello Hugo." Hugo said, "Hey Sofia you okay?" Sofia shook her head and stayed silent. Hugo hugged her tightly. Sofia was quite shocked and hugged him back.

Hugo suggested, "How about we all play some sports?" His friends nodded even the princesses. They all played volleyball. When Sofia was about to go to the coach Hildegard approached her and said sorry and said she didn't mean any of those words even though we all know deep down she did. Sofia accepted her apology and Hildegard suggested after she is off her week of suspension they would play volleyball with her. Sofia hesitated but said yes.

That night Sofia slept in Prince Hugo's room and they spoke for hours as she made his slippers and shoes. She was even making trainers for some of her Prince and Princess friends who she has or hasn't made friends with yet and don't worry she didn't forget about Prince Hugo and the royal family. That week she was busy getting his shoes and slippers ready and getting their trainers. But she wasn't too busy for the royal family and Hugo and his friends. She still wrote to her mum. She noticed her mum's letters she mentions Roland a lot. She was happy that her mum found love again, since she was gone for a few weeks and since her dad well you know.

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