Chapter 4

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Tyler's Thoughts

Good... is he asleep now? I looked over and saw that his eyes were closed. I quietly got up while gently placing him on the couch. I went over to the kitchen and looked in all the drawers to find...Yes! I walked over towards him and held the knife above him. I was about to kill him when suddenly I started tearing up. Do I really want to do this..? I asked myself. I must do it. To make dad proud! He wants me to follow in his footsteps so I must do it! I held the knife up above my head ready to swing it down. I kept shaking and shaking. "I CAN'T DO IT DAD!! I don't want to become someone like you!! I like Aaron... a lot and i think he likes me too... You might have killed his parents but you will not and I repeat you will not hurt him!! I will protect him from you even if it kills me. I don't care what it takes. As long as he lives I will forever live with him." I broke down in tears and it woke him up. I hid the knife under the couch before he noticed it. He hugged me tightly and I just continued crying and crying. He doesn't know what's going on inside my head right now. Which is probably a good thing...


I jolted off the couch into Tylers arms. I woke up and he was just crying. I was so confused and worried but I didn't bother asking him what made him so upset. I didn't want to pressure him into telling me. All I needed to do right now was comfort him. I want him to know that I am here for him even at 2 in the morning. If he needs me I will always be there. He didn't let go of me all night after that. I held him in my arms and he fell asleep. He looked peaceful. I was really attracted to him at that moment. Maybe I really do like him. I've never liked a guy before but after my break up with Madison I truly believed that me and him could be in a real relationship. I honestly care a little bit about what people would think about me dating a guy but yet again. It's my life not theirs so I can run it the way I damn well please. I saw that he was moving in his sleep so I rubbed his back and he started smiling. I blushed a lot that time. I whispered in his ear "Goodnight sleepyhead" After that I fell asleep.

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