Chapter 19

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Tyler's Thoughts (A few moments ago-)

"I'm going to go take a quick shower okay?" he started "Wait, can i take it with you?" I replied. "Don't worry I'll be quick!" "Alright." I smiled and looked down at my phone. I was just laying down when I heard the door creak open. I quickly stood up and backed away. "Hey baby, how you been all this time huh? What ever happened to your number huh? Why didn't you tell me you have a new boyfriend huh?" Jonathan came in raising his voice. "Get out, you shouldn't even be here. Also, we were never a thing. You. were. An. experiment. I was confused about my sexaulity so I tested it out. Nothing will ever and I mean never happen between us. You were just a test. Now, I'm absolutely in love with your brother. Nothing could possibly change the way I feel about him." I replied with sincerity "Oh yeah? Did you tell him about all the sexting? All the pictures I sent you?" he started unbuttoning his shirt and slowly taking it off. "And... the pictures you sent me? Remember all the fun we had over phone sex? How much excitement you gave me. Did you tell him about all that?" he replied while quickly taking off his jeans. "Get back, all of that was fake. I told you before, you were an experiment. Nothing more. I couldn't even date someone like you. Now, if I just give you a hug will you freaking leave?!" I asked "Let me think, hmmm no. You have to give me a kiss." he responded with a seductive voice. "Mother f- Alright fine. One kiss." I leaned in and pecked him on the lips. That's when he pushed me backwards and onto the bed. He jumped on top of me forcing me to continue kissing. I didn't know what to do. He was almost naked and Aaron was about to come out of the shower. I didn't want him seeing so I hurried and kissed Jonathan so he would just leave me alone. Then, it was too late. Aaron walked out of the bathroom and his jaw dropped to the floor. "Why... Tyler why..." he responded with tears filling his eyes. "Babe it's not what you think..." I tried to explain to him what happened but he interrupted me after that. "Oh yeah?! Then what the hell was it. You know what. I don't want to hear excuses. I want both of you out of my f****** house. Oh and Jonathan. Did Tyler ever tell you about his dad?" he replied with even more anger in his voice. I got scared considering he was about to tell Jonathan that my father killed their parents... "Wait, Aaron don't..." I tried stopping him but it was too late. "His dad was the one who killed our parents and Tyler. He was the getaway. Huh, how does that make you feel? You just kissed a murderer's son." he answered back with tears rolling down his cheeks. "Whenever I get back I expect to not see either of you two in my house." he stomped off and slammed the front door downstairs. I could tell he was in pain but I couldn't run after him. I was completely frozen still. I didn't know what to do, my heart was racing and it felt like it was breaking. I hate seeing Aaron hurt, especially when it's because of me... I need to tell him what really happened but I'll give him a while to calm down. I'm not leaving this house, but I know who is. I looked over and Jonathan was gone. I ran out of the bedroom and heard a phone being dialed. I followed the sound and saw Jonathan in the corner calling somebody. I grabbed the phone away from him and saw that he had dialed 911. I pulled him aside and asked why he called them. Then at that moment I knew why he did. He was calling them on me. I pushed him down and pulled him into a closet. I turned the light on and gave him food and water. I didn't want him to run away and not know why I did the things I did in the past. I really wasn't the problem with the crime scene. I was forced under my will to be a getaway. My dad was abusive and he would've done anything to force me into it. I had no choice. I locked the closet door and took his phone away. I told him to stay here and wait for me to get back. I needed to go out and find Aaron. Until, an unknown number called me. I answered it and some lady started talking. "Hello, is this Tyler?" "Uh, yeah? Who is this?" I replied. "My name is Doctor Munter, I work at the Oklahoma Hospital on Memorial Rd. I have called to inform you that your friend Aaron, got into a really bad accident and he had to go into surgery straight away." At that moment I could feel my heart drop. Almost immediately my hands were shaking and tears flooded my eyes. When the first tear ran down my face the phone got dropped from my hand. "Aaron's car got totaled by this red ford. Aaron had at least 4 smashed in ribs, a broken leg, jaw dislocation and minor head trauma. The injuries were luckily around his lower areas so he shouldn't have lost his memory or anything like that. He is still currently in surgery right now but I just wanted to let you know since you were the first person on his contact list. Do you know if he has any family members I can contact? Hello? Sir, are you there?" she continued asking for me but I couldn't move anything. I stood there for maybe about 4-6 minutes or less. She had finally given up about 2 minutes in. Whenever I regained movement in my body I ran straight for the door. I didn't have a ride so I just continued running until I got to the hospital. The hospital was about 20 miles away but I didn't care. I just wanted to see Aaron. I couldn't leave him alone all night. I don't care how long the surgery takes, I will stay there all night if I have too. He's my forever. I can't let him go. My legs were getting sore and I lost my breath a while back but I never stopped. I was thinking that if I passed out right then and there. It would be for love. I didn't care if I died or not. All I cared about was Aaron's safety and health. I just want to bring him home and hold him tightly, never letting go. I continued running, almost getting hit by a few cars but I just barely missed them. When I finally got to the hospital. I sprinted inside towards the lady at the front desk. "Hi yes, I'm here for Aaron Chavez?! Is he alright?!!!" I yelled "Ah, you must be his friend! Yes sir he's right down the hall in room 113." She responded and I ran down the hall towards the door. "He just got out of surgery so he'll still be asleep for awhile!!" She exclaimed as I opened the door shakingly. I startled the nurses who were still in the room. I ran towards Aaron with tears flooding my eyes. I couldn't stop crying, I felt like everything that was bothering me suddenly bursted out. "Babe..? Can you hear me? I- I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Jonathan sooner... I knew I should've but..." I sniffed as tears continuously ran down my face. I didn't know what to say to him, especially since I couldn't tell if he was listening. So I just sat there and held his hand until he woke up. It was about maybe 1 in the morning when I was woken up by a loud ring. I looked over and noticed his heart wasn't beating anymore. Immediately yelled for all the nurses and doctors to come in quickly. My hands then shook immensely and wouldn't stop. I was ordered out of the room. I backed up quickly into the doorway when one of the nurses slammed the door in my face. I held my hand up to the door and quietly said to myself. "Please.. Don't go.. I can't lose you.. I can't lose you..! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!!!" And suddenly, it wasn't to myself anymore. I repeatedly said that while banging on the door. One of the nurses came out and hugged me. She let me cry on her shoulder while she cried with me. I couldn't help but let it out. "Ahh, so he's your boyfriend? Don't worry he's going to be just fine. Just cry it out, you seem like you have been holding onto it for awhile now." The nurse quietly said to me. I couldn't reply because my words were getting mixed up with my emotions. I wouldn't be able to say anything, not right now anyway but, knowing that he's going to be alright made me feel a bit better... Suddenly I felt warm inside and actually smiled right then and there... She looked at me and smiled back. I heard the door creak and the medics came out with Aaron on the stretcher. He was awake!! I ran over to him and kissed him gently on the forehead. I started tearing up again and he wiped them away. He laughed and held my hand tightly, I stood by his side walking with him into the next room. He said my smile was so bright that it lit up the room. I told him it was because of him, that he's the reason why I smile.

End of Tyler's Thoughts

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