Chapter 23

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Tyler's Thoughts

Dad, what the hell are you doing here?! "Well I heard my dear son got arrested for my crime. Isn't that funny?" he replied sarcastically. No, it isn't funny dad. First, Aaron got hit by- "By a black ford truck?" He cut me off. How did you know... "Who the hell do you think hit him dumb a**?" Why. Why would you do that?! You could have killed him!! "Boy I tried." he smirked. Are you just going to f****** stand there acting like you aren't some criminal?! You killed his parents, you almost killed him. You killed mom... "Wait wait wait. You think I actually killed your mother?! I can't believe you would even think that I killed her!! You knew how much I loved her!! I just-" THEN WHY DID YOU BEAT HER?! YOU HURT HER!! She would come to my room almost every night holding me while tears just ran down her face. Obviously, I didn't know what to do. I was twelve years old dad. Twelve! It was overwhelming for me because I didn't know how to help her. It pains me everyday that I couldn't do anything. I mean. What's a twelve year old supposed to do in that kind of situation? You said mom died from a car accident. I don't believe that. She had scars and bruises everywhere on her body. She didn't even have any broken bones. If she did die from a car accident wouldn't you think there would be something broken?! I believe you beat her to death dad. You drove her to far and killed her with your beating. Oh, just one more question I have for you. Why? Why did you do it? "I didn't kill her.." he replied in a whisper voice. LIAR! THAT'S NOT TRUE! I step closer when my dad pulls out a gun and aims it for Aaron. I step in front and take the shot myself. The bullet penetrated my right shoulder pushing me back a few feet. "TYLER!" Tyler's dad starts crying and walks back slowly. Tyler seemed to not care. "Tyler.. Your mom.. She never got hit by a car. I also never killed her. I would never do that to her.. She committed suicide when you were at school one day. The cuts you saw were from razors that I had to throw away every single day before you got home. She left them out on the counter, on the bathroom sink. I had to literally search the house and throw every single one away. I didn't want you to see any of them Tyler. Most of the bruises were from her constantly punching herself. She said the pain was the only option to release what she was feeling. Tyler. She hung herself in the hall closet. I admit I did hit her quite a few times back then.. But I was completely drunk and unaware, Tyler. I was on drugs too. Everyday when your mom punished herself I went out to a bar and drank away my feelings. Drank away the pain that was hurting me. I couldn't do much more to help your mom so that was my only option. Forgetting it for the night. When I come home that's when I completely break down. Whenever I break down this anger builds up inside of me and causes me to physically do anything to what or who is in front of me. Tyler you remember your mother as a sweet lady who was almost constantly happy. Her face would just light up whenever you got home from school. She pushed back everything just for you. But you know how I remember her? Ever since we dated she has been saying how she isn't good enough or how she doesn't deserve to live in a world like this. That she just wanted to die. It hurt me Tyler. So, I stuck around. We got married and we had you. She was the happiest when you were born. I had never seen her that happy before. It was a blessing. You were that blessing actually. When you were born we were such a mess *laughs slightly* we were confused because you couldn't stop crying. She got overwhelmed and got out a knife. Of course I stopped her before she did anything and managed to calm her down. I told her everything was going to be just fine. Then we worked together on everything and you finally stopped crying. Apparently all you needed was a kiss and hug goodnight. Such a crybaby *laughs* but you were my whole world while your mother was my universe. She was everything I had hoped for. Now, that last day she was here. I was headed off to work. My boss called me and wanted me to come in immediately so I was in a rush. Your mom came up to me and hugged me tightly. She wouldn't let me go, I told her I had to go and she said she did too. She was unemployed at the time so I congratulated her thinking she got herself a good job. She looked at me and smiled slightly. She then just gave me another hug and a kiss. She said that she wanted to kiss me one last time. I got really concerned and confused until she blurted out for now before I went off to work. I believed what she said and laughed it off. I started walking away and the last thing she said to me was I Love You. I said it back and waved goodbye. If I had known that was going to be the last time I saw her I would have stayed. If I knew what was going through her mind Tyler. If I knew everything, she probably would still be here till this day. It's all my fault Tyler." tears started rushing down the sides of his face. But dad it isn't... "Yeah, it is. And I've been thinking about everything that happened lately and Tyler. I love you, so much. But I miss her a lot. Every second of every day. I miss her. I want to be with her right now. I can't take another second here without her by my side every morning to every night." Tyler's dad aims the gun to his head "This last bullet. Is for me." DAD! WAIT! "Goodbye, my son. I wish you well." DAD!! DON'T!!.

End of Tyler's Thoughts

A loud gunshot echoed through the neighborhood. Tyler had dropped to his knees with tears flowing down his face. He had completely forgotten about the gunshot wound he had on his shoulder. All that was on his mind right now, was his dad. But. At that moment. Tyler's dad was pronounced dead. 

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