Chapter 18

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 I decided to get a shower before I went to bed. Tyler was going to join me but I told him I would be quick. I jumped in and thought I heard the bedroom door open slightly. I just brushed off the thought and continued washing my hair. I finally got done with everything and quickly dried off. Whenever I walked out of the bathroom I almost immediately started bursting out crying. Jonathan was on top of Tyler almost butt naked and kissing him. It didn't even seem like Tyler was resisting it... "Why... Tyler why.." "Babe it's not what you think..." he replied but I interrupted him almost immediately after "Oh yeah?! Then what the hell was it. You know what. I don't want to hear excuses. I want both of you out of my f****** house. Oh and Jonathan. Did Tyler ever tell you about his dad?" I yelled "Wait Aaron don't.." "His dad was the one who killed our parents and Tyler. He was the getaway. Huh, how does that make you feel? You just kissed a murderer's son." Whenever I get back I expect to not see either of you two in my house." I stomped off and slammed the front door shut. I ran to my car bawling. I accidentally slammed the door on my fingers. I was so pissed and upset that I didn't give a damn. I stepped on the gas and drove off away from them. I don't understand why I keep trying you know? I gave Tyler maybe 2-3 chances now and I always end up being the one hurt. Maybe I should just give up on whatever we have. I can't take anymore of this pain I feel in my chest everytime he messes something up. I just want to die. Right as I said that I happen to speed pass a stopped traffic light. A big red ford came crashing over me on my left side. I couldn't breathe and then suddenly I blanked out. I woke up maybe about a few minutes later and saw people standing over me. It looked as if they were rushing. I was just laying down on some bed thing. I had no idea where I was. I kept blanking out until I got into this bright room. There were people surrounding me with masks and gloves with these tube things. That's when everything went fuzzy.

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